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Posts posted by Lefty0315

  1. 16 minutes ago, weams said:

    MASN Steve says it is Conlon and done. 

    Jim Callis disagrees.

    It also looks doubtful that fourth-rounder Jack Conlon will sign with the Orioles. A fourth-rounder from Clements High (Sugar Land, Texas), he displays a 92-95 mph fastball and a sharp 81-84 mph slider when he's at his best. If he doesn't turn pro, he'll attend Texas A&M.


  2. I wish the ignore function could be broken down into sub forurms. Some posters are great in the O's forum but unbearable in others and some are unreadable in the O's forum but great in the others.

  3. Backstabbing colleagues... especially when they're also incompetent! :angryfire:

    Also, needing to go to a dentist and not knowing anyone in your new town who actually can recommend their dentist to you.

    Find the person with the most teeth and ask where they go.

  4. More exclamation marks get my point across better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    If you really want to get your point across better you need to throw in a few ellipses...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!...!...

    • Upvote 1
  5. Posters who derail the short rants thread. Take you Jeter love and hate somewhere else.

    By the way, I too hate Jeter.

    • Upvote 1
  6. We had problems with our Direct TV all weekend. The service tech was supposed to come this morning which would have cost at least $50. I turned on the tv this morning and everything works. The appointment is canceled.

  7. I despise the Swine Flu- and now it's in Disney when I will be there in 6 weeks! Of course the people who actually contract it have more reason to rant than me.

    Just stay away from piglet and you will be okay.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I know it has been said before, but MLB network is the best. The live show from 7 pm to after I am asleep is great. When the Orioles game goes to commercial, I go to MLB network. Live look-ins, good studio analysts and highlights from all the games. Baseball Tonight is no longer watched in my house.

  9. My employer is cutting our sick time in half for 2009. We used to get 12 days, so now we will have 6. My wife only gets 2 so I was the one that would stay home when our little girl was sick. I am happy I have a job, but those sick days really help when you have little one at home.

  10. So, have you guys heard the ad campaigns that are trying to stop people from using gay to mean stupid? I applaud the effort, but the most current one I heard struck me as "off" the first time I heard it...then the second time it hit me...

    Girl 1: This party is so gay...

    Girl 2: Totally.

    Guy: Ladies, did you know that gay originally meant happy, and then it was used for gay people, and now people like you use it to mean stupid...

    Second example...you can't use a word to define a word! Did they completely fall asleep at the wheel or were they afraid to actually use homosexual?

    Ok, let me get this straight, gay people used to be happy and now they are stupid. Is that the message I am supposed to get.:confused:

  11. We probably disagree somewhat on policy (though I agree we don't need a new agency unless it's part of consolidating and getting rid of other agencies) but I agree with the bolded part 100%. Congress has become embarrassingly feeble.

    Pro and con are opposites, progress means to move forward. What does that make congress?

  12. I hate it when people pronounce "Reese's Pieces" as "Ree-seys Pie-seys".

    I said it as a kid and I will say it that way until I die. Deal with it.;)

  13. Everybody is so obsessed over trading Bedard they forgot about the short rants. How could this thread fall to tenth in the rants section. Come on people get busy with rants.

  14. Yes! Oh. My. God! I couldn't believe the umpire that day like I was bleeding from the foot profusely and keeping it quiet until I could use it to my advantage.

    And, no, the "X makin me mad!" line will never die.

    I think we need to rename the "Rants" section "Makin me mad".

  15. And on that note, since it's been cropping up a lot lately:

    Should've. Could've. Would've. Contractions for should have, could have, would have. Not should of, could of, would of. No of. No soup for you.

    I could not care less. If you could care less then you do care:confused:

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