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Posts posted by MTOsFan

  1. I move all over the world when I was a child. What fun would it be to be an Orioles fan in San Francisco. I am sure I would follow the O's until most of the current left but at that point why would I care? I mean how many people on here are still Colt's fans?

    I'm with Malike on this one. Having a hard time getting my head around your stance. I don't think the colts analogy works because of the whole "moving van" aspect. For me, when we moved, I hung on to a few items from Maryland that I couldn't bear to part with. The O's, a love of the water, as well as a slight accent that my wife makes fun of.

  2. I was born in 1970 on the Eastern Shore. It never even crossed my mind to root for another team. We'd head into Baltimore in my father's baby blue ford van and get to the stadium early for autographs and batting practice. My first ball came from Jim Palmer in the left field stands as he was shagging fly balls. My second from Al Bumbry on the same day. I was 7, and I still remember every sight and smell. One of my fondest memories. I remember crying in 1979 and developing a lifelong hatred for Willie Stargell and Sister Sledge. I moved to Montana in 1981 and struggled to follow the team from half the world away. My Dad bought us one of those old school giant satellite dishes just to get HTS so we could watch the O's. Ever since then I've watched religiously. I made my inaugural trip to OPACY for my 40th birthday and spent part of Opening Day with some of you at an event Tony put together. It's been a lifelong passion for me. I wouldn't trade any of it, 1988, the consecutive losing seasons, any of it. It's been an integral part of who I am.

  3. Props to Weams for posting this in a game thread last week.

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WL1hlzLsUaU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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  4. This program should be bound, gagged, tortured and killed, as recompense for the torture it's put the human race through.

    I honestly don't get this. I've used Excel extensively as well as just about every other spreadsheet software available in the last 15 years. They all have idiosyncracies (sp??) that limit their function. Excel is by far IMO the best of what's available. Granted I might use Excel in a different context than most. The biggest limitation I see in excel is the 65K record limit. Besides that it's a pretty solid program.

  5. At my last job one of the senior managers had a fecal humor thing going on. He'd call you into his office, ask you to sit down, get up, close the door, and let a huge fart rip. Then he'd laugh like a hyena and tell you that you could go.

    He called another guy I worked with one time to tell him he had left a dry docker in stall 2. For those unaware of the term dry docker, as I was, it's when your stool is so big that it sticks out of the water. This guy make 6 figures.................... Go figure.

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