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Posts posted by millartime15

  1. For the most part, I hate those Coors Light commercials where they splice in responses from various NFL coaches to make it sound like the frat boy idiots questioning them about the beer are getting real answers in the press conferences.

    However, I love the one of Bill Parcells when he was with the Jets. Every time he does that sneer, I collapse in laughter because it's just such an awesome face. And then everyone watching always has to try to replicate the face. We haven't figured it out yet. I don't think my face does that. Probably a good thing, but wow, that sneer is awesome.

    You got to be Joking! Those have to be the best commercials out there

    The one with Dennis Green is hilarious!

    "They are who we though they were"

    "Well if you knew who they were why didnt you stop them"

    "They are we thought they were"


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