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Everything posted by jtm

  1. I didn't think it was close. But I guess I shouldn't say it's worst I ever saw. I am sure there are and will be worse.
  2. Bump.... My God that third strike on Davis was one of the worst calls I have ever seen. You never know but thankfully it was in a 7-0 game. Nevertheless, MLB right now is like the NFL in 1980 refusing to use instant replay. Everyone can see what the call should have been, but "human error is a part of the game." A phrase I never understood. "Hey you know what should be an "unwritten" rule, once or twice a game the umps should get a call on a rule completely wrong. It makes things more intersitng..."
  3. Haha. Tinfoil hat or no tinfoil hat, the result is the same. What sucks is, a player make a mistake, they get tossed. The ump makes a mistake, they move on to the next game. I always go back to what Jim Palmer once said when Cal was tossed in a game at his first at bat for looking back at an ump on a called strike. When it happened, you could see the fans getting up and leaving the stands. Palmer said to the Ump, like or it not, no one is here in this stadium to see you ump. Without the players, you don't get a paid.
  4. And it's the difference in the game right now as it was ball 4 and a run would have scored making the game tied.
  5. I thought the strike zone was 17 inches across and letters to the knees. You honestly think that it's that much more difficult for an electronic eye to consistently keep track of that than a human eye?
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