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Posts posted by hendu

  1. Bundy's propensity to get ahead (he had no choice) led to the demise of so many of his poor outings.  Teams didn't even have to watch film to understand that he was going to throw a first pitch strike.  At 89-92 MPH, it doesn't really matter if it's on the black if you know that it's coming.  I loved that he became more of a pitcher, and just think if he still had that extra 5-7 MPH on the FB.  He just had zero margin for error, missing his spot with his fastball by a couple of inches, in this ballpark vs. these lineups, see ya.  I feel like people have made more excuses for what Wieters became than Bundy (I suppose a couple of AS appearances helps).  He's been a solid MLer which is plenty more than most can say about other #4 picks.

    His work ethic and the way that he handled himself are unrivaled.  I wish that he could have gone the distance in his final start vs the Blue Jays.  Felt a little like when Manny was yanked in the middle of the Rangers game after he had taken Minor deep before the AS break.  I'm not sure that I can count on all my phalanges how many runs the bullpen (particularly Bleier) cost him with inherited base runners.  Letting a lineup see him three times was usually asking for disaster, but I think Hyde was a little quick with the hook in a few instances.

    Well, anyway, he was by far my favorite player on the team.  My kids and I went to almost all of his home starts this year, and I'm glad that we did.  He was always such a nice guy.  Would always introduce himself to you, "Hi, I'm Dylan."

    My answer to the poll is none of the above.  Closest answer is that I didn't want him to be traded, period.  He needed to be traded, but what were they going to get for him?  Not much.  No use throwing away 15M on him over the next two years, though.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 16 hours ago, weams said:

    D and I were at the Red Sox Stadium in Ft Myers when he demolished the heart of the Sox lineup. 

    I have pictures from that game.  I'm incredibly sad about this trade.  I realize that his impact to the organization moving forward is inconsequential.  I just love his personality.  Never minced words.  "Dylan, what happened today?"  "Were you not watching?  I was terrible."

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  3. Bump...I am a little surprised that none of the local media outlets have picked up on this story and asked Schoop about it.

    I'm ashamed to admit this, but I asked him about this very thing at Basebowl. He got a bit uncomfortable/agitated. In my defense, he was the next lane over and I had been bs'ing with him a great deal. Essentially, I asked him why he would take the insurance policy, stating, c'mon man, you're easily gonna make well over 40M in your career. He kept asking me, "how do you know that?" I just replied that contracts are out of control and that I would be a fool to doubt his abilities. We joked around a lot afterward as well, so I guess he didn't hate me too bad. It seemed to me like he wanted to be safe than sorry.

    • Upvote 1
  4. The Yankees are sinking to their level now. They're not very good.

    The beauty of a baseball season. As our fearless leader so eloquently states in the MLB commercial, "Who you are, and what you are will show itself sooner or later."

  5. Funny how a week or two changes the perception of this thread. I'm sure most people are adding at least 10% to his slash line than if you would have asked earlier.

    I think that he should be able to attain a top 10 WAR in the league during his prime seasons. I would be mildly disappointed with anything less than a .290/.340/.500 slash and top 5 dWAR.

  6. Yea this was a very good analysis IMO and further evidence to support the notion that we are likely to see a much better second half from Manny. That bodes well for us

    Even the eye test signified this. He's put together some good at bats, and he's driven some to that RC gap that were tracked well.

    What a perfect scenario. We were worried that the O's would suffer without Manny and that his mini hot streak would dissipate during the suspension.

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