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Posts posted by Orioles18

  1. Decided to give blood tomorrow. Feel great again since it has been awhile since my last donation.

    Actually now it's double red, not sure how that works but it's going to be 30-40 minutes instead of the usual 10-15.

  2. At the mothers day "party" at my wife's aunt's house and my mother in law tells one of my sister's in law that since it's mothers day mothers get to get their food first. So my sister in law says "Oh you didn't hear the good news?", my mother in law says nothing but has this look on her face like she's trying to process what was said, then about a minute later says "I dont get it".

    The entire room burst out laughing after that. Good times.

  3. Ha, mine walked in the bathroom, flushed the toilet, waves and says "bye bye pee". Maybe she's ready for potty training?

    On the anti-rant side of things. I got promoted today. Twice, in 5 hours.

    Congrats on the double promotion.

    Mine always follows me into the bathroom and always says "I pee-pee". She's too young to start potty training but all the girls at daycare (2.5-3 year olds) are potty training so she wants to be a big girl like they are. That's also how we got her to take a sippy and give up bottles, all the other girls were using sippys and she wanted to be a big girl then too. :D

  4. AWWW

    You are blessed to have such an angel:):clap3:

    Thanks. She's always doing stuff like that since she started talking. It almost seems like it doesn't stop.

  5. Went to the basement to workout, come back up and my wife tells me that the whole time I was downstairs my daughter kept saying "uh-oh, where dada go?"

  6. TMJ syndrome + occlusal guard + 7 dentist appointments in one month = me unhappy.

    Right there with you about the TMJ, just found out two days ago. Yay, get to see the denist today.

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