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SammyBirdland last won the day on April 10 2012

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About SammyBirdland

  • Birthday 06/24/1977

Personal Information

  • Location
    Dover, PA
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  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Robert Andino
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Wild Bill Hagy

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Hangout Grand Counsel

Hangout Grand Counsel (14/14)

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  1. <p><p><p>Oh, nice... that's pretty sweet man! Come to think of it, I remember you asking in a game thread a few weeks back how to get the yard back into shape, and I believe I made a comment about using a bunch of "Kevin Greggs" to even the ground out, lol! Anyway, I'm glad you had a chance to make an awesome Photoshop pic tonight. That was classic man! Enjoy the pool, hope to see you back in the game threads soon!</p></p></p>

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