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Everything posted by Surhoffan17

  1. "Three runs will score!!!! OH Mercy!!!" Can you possibly sound happier Thorne??? Go ahead and defend him, everyone. No other team has announcers massaging (I'm putting this lightly so I don't get banned) the opponents like we do.
  2. Excuse for missing part of this game. Was Yacabonis as the opener the plan?
  3. Some of them like Wells may have been good anyway, but the analytics has to have had an impact.
  4. But, But, but....Peter still has the team....so no chance....and Hunter is a homer....and Palmer can praise the Yankees and it's OK because he's in the HOF and is above criticism. Seriously, this is great news! That dominance from the Bowie guys has to have had an impact. I believe in Elias!!!
  5. I think Thorne only recently realized that this was a perfect game not just a no-hitter.
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