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Posts posted by camdencrush

  1. They mentioned this last night, but can we chalk up a lot of these close takes/not recognizing the strike zone complaints that some people have in this thread to the differences in the strike zones between AAA and the MLB?  I think once he gets a handle on this new strike zone and starts being more aggressive early in at bats, he'll be fine.

  2. 21 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    I'd like to know about how this long vetting process seamlessly approved Newcastle being bought, more-or-less, by the Saudi royal family.  Like six months ago.  And Putin's buddy Abramovich was/is Chelsea's owner despite clear and obvious connections to a repressive tyrant, and his money came from shady dealings after the breakup of the Soviet Union.  I don't think either of these would have gotten to step one in the MLB approval process.  People like Mark Cuban, who is squeaky clean by comparison, were basically told to just not try to buy the Cubs because he wasn't MLB ownership material.

    Yeah I just said above what it is.   They don't care about that sort of stuff (countries owning clubs, as I referenced in my post), but they care about if you wrote some mean tweets 10 years ago.  Trust me, tons of people have dropped out, I've seen these purchases go through about 20 potential buyers before.  When clubs start to fail and are taken over by the government, they have to go through a long vetting process to sell the club to a new owner and those new owners often have their own funds restricted. Just look at what is going on right now with Derby County and Reading.

  3. 7 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    You could just get into German soccer.  The Germans have the 50+1 rule, where the club, basically the sum of all the supporters or season ticket holders or however they pay to support the local sports club (no matter if they've transformed over a century-plus into a multi-multi-million dollar soccer enterprise), have to have 50% plus one of the votes on the board.  You will sometimes have a rich guy come in and buy a controlling share of a team, but he can't have more than 50% minus one votes on the board.  So the locals always control the team.  Wouldn't it be lovely if the controlling interest in the Orioles was kind of like the Green Bay Packers, just the sum total of the season ticket holders?

    Although there's a strange sort of exemption or looking-the-other-way for Bayern Munich, who seem to have more money than all the other German teams combined. And even with the other teams it's not unheard of for the rich guy to feud with the supporters on the board and the team devolves into chaos as they veto everything the rich guy wants.

    The English Premier League is the one league that appears to have zero vetting process for owners besides do you have enough money to buy the team.  Although I'm not that familiar with the ownership situations in France, Belgium, Italy, etc.

    I don't think your last statement is true. There is a long vetting process in England, many owners have dropped out or been removed due to issues raised by supporters/government.  It's just not for the reasons we'd all expect (human rights abuses) and tends to be just bad tweets, etc.  I know there was a lot of backlash to teams essentially being bought by countries (Newcastle, Man City).

    Also Bayern still adheres to the 50+1 rule.  They just have more money because they have amazing sponsorships and have been historically been THE team that Germans want to play for (or even players playing in the German league).  I know they adhere to it because that's the reason why they didn't break off into the Super League drama from last year.

  4. Yeah I don't really agree that this guy is killing this level.  I'm no scout, but when I've seen him the 3 times I have, he has not looked like someone well above the competition.  Good pitching seems to routinely have his number.

  5. 23 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

    Why do you think I started the conversation to walk away from it? 

    You told me to go away basically  


    Eddie, I'm confused.

    You said that you wanted to have a discussion and you didn't like my short replies.  So I made a long one. You didn't like that one either, but your response was short and didn't say anything except something that I never said.  I think you're being intentionally dense here so there's not much left to say.  I think my point was very clear.  I didn't call you names (just returned a dig that you tossed at me, but certainly that hasn't upset you this much) and now I've got this jackwagon telling me to leave my children without a father.

    As for the other comment I made regarding this cretin who is levying threats and hatred, I think it's pretty clear that was a tongue in cheek comment. If you want to have a discussion, you can DM me, no one needs to see this back and forth.

  6. Just now, eddie83 said:

    So it’s an ad hom attack. What do the number of followers have to do with the data? It’s either real or it isn’t. 

    People without a blue check can’t say anything credible? 

    You just called me ignorant and now you're going to say I'm ad homming you???  I guess you're not interested in a discussion either! But you can take solace, really genuine people like @OsFan2001can back you up with racist, homophobic, and violent statements on the internet!

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  7. 7 minutes ago, eddie83 said:


    What an ignorant statement. You think the data used is made up?  

    I had a lengthy post because it’s kind of hard to avoid this topic and was trying to engage in a conversation. That’s it.  

    Please point to where I said the data you used was made up. 

    Actually, don't. I really don't need you to show me where I didn't say that.  Who's ignorant now?

    My point was: I really doubt anyone was interested in seeing a giant post that takes up your entire screen with posts on it.  You posted  comments from accounts with a very minimal amount of followers.  NONE of them are verified.  NONE.  This doesn't mean that they're BS, but it should be taken into account.     What in the world is Hold2LLC? Why should I care what they say?  Their twitter bio says they "invest intelligently in ourselves" - it doesn't say they are doctors, immunologists, or virologists. Moreover, Covid_clarity looks to be a clearly anti mask twitter who is picking on people consistently who endorse mask-wearing, so why would I believe their posts? Just because they say they "welcome all viewpoints" doesn't mean they actively do.     I don't like wearing a mask either, but if it keeps me safe, I'll do it. I'm going to start doing it anyway in cold & flu season because I hate being ill and it's a very easy step to make that has shown positive results.  

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