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  1. Well I certainly hope you're right. I would love to be wrong I just have extreme doubts about it. I think it's a combination of injuries to the pitching staff and the hitting that just went in the tank the past couple of months that has me feeling so negative about their chances
  2. And the thing is it's not like the Orioles have only been struggling just in September but since about mid June. I'm not sure if Texas or Arizona played like 6 games under 500 as the Orioles have for 3 months but if they did feel free to tell me.
  3. I don't dislike them at all or I wouldn't be here but I'm not going to pretend everything is fine and dandy like some of you do
  4. Yeah meanwhile Rogers is in the minors. Lol
  5. Don't get me started on that Rogers trade. Lol. I haven't checked in awhile but isn't the kid they traded to Oakland for him doing pretty well or no?
  6. I would agree but this team has so much dead weight on it right now that they are practically interchangeable. All these guys hopefully will be Orioles for only a few more weeks.
  7. Not only has this team been losing but they are boring to watch as well. Game in and game out of scoring less than 3 runs would cause lack of motivation to attend. Not exciting to go to games where it seems like they are losing games like 6-2. Outside of Colorado and Chicago when is the last time this team even won a series. it's been so long I honestly forgot.
  8. Cute story and all but this team is just playing bad. It's good that you are keeping the faith to have something to hold onto but man emotionally I have checked out on this team as anything more than a one and done in the playoffs.
  9. Yes the same here. They are going to the playoffs and yet I have no feeling towards it whatsoever. Weird feeling. Like you just know they are going to get bounced in the first round. It looks inevitable. I mean you could make a case the Tigers are more deserving of the Orioles spot. They are playing some great baseball of late.
  10. Man Baltimore sports has not been kind. The Orioles are on a 3 month tailspin and the Ravens did what they do best and blew another double digit 4th quarter lead to a inferior team. Let's see if the Orioles can right the ship, though I'm not holding my breath on that one at all. Yikes.
  11. I certainly don't think so either but for some reason for a guy who has been terrible here he has a lot of fans on this site so I watch what I say now.
  12. Yeah next year's team will probably be worst. So much for thinking the next Astros. Lol
  13. He's referring to the guy who is leading the club in homers.
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