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Posts posted by tt835

  1. Aside from the decision to bring Hall in yesterday, my biggest gripe was pulling Bauman after 5. Yes he allowed 8 hits in 5 innings, but his pitch count was at 78 and had Gunnar not bobbled the transfer one inning and fielded the other grounder clean the other inning he would have been ahead at that point with only giving up one run. You already have scratched the game 1 starter with flu like symptoms and know you have another game to go so why not at least send him out for the 6th and give him a shot at having a clean inning. If he gives up a hit or a walk (which it was almost impossible to walk someone with that zone yesterday) then go get him. 

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  2. On 6/25/2022 at 12:55 PM, Aristotelian said:

    I thought it was pretty clear. Hyde or somebody could even be heard calling it out. May not be intentional but there has to be a rule or else you effectively take away stolen bases.

    Martin stealing was definitely not a good baseball play but I don't think it was meant to be. I'd rather him try to steal third than throw at one of their guys.

    If you watch the sequence of pitches to Mateo, up until the 3-1 pitch he used the hybrid windup. He came set from the stretch after receiving the sign and then proceeding to throw the pitch from the windup (moving his left foot first to to deliver the pitch instead of lifting his leg to deliver the pitch). By doing this, this establishes his move. The reason the balk was called on that 3-1 pitch is that he didn't use the hybrid delivery, he came set and then lifted his left leg and delivered the pitch which was different from the hybrid he had used on the previous pitches to Mateo. Once he lifted the leg, the balk was called right away because his delivery was different. Had he been in the traditional windup up until that point then it would have been nothing but because he used the hybrid delivery prior to that pitch, that's why the balk was called. 

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