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Everything posted by TopGunnar

  1. I have no idea how Brandon Hyde and Mike Elias thought we had no need to improve our bullpen. Very disappointed in the front office.
  2. You’re telling me the Tigers wouldn’t take Ortiz or Norby for Eduardo? Or are you telling me the Orioles are balking at that? This is crazy.
  3. At this point I’d be surprised we make a trade. Very bad job by Elias and Co.
  4. I would like Wells in certain leverage situations but he gives up too many homers to be pitching in the late innings in October
  5. It would be malpractice for Elias to not add an impact pitcher or 2. They have more than enough prospects that will never see the light of day on our big league team to trade
  6. I’d be head over heels in love with this ball club if the bullpen didn’t exist.
  7. It hurts me to watch Colton Cowsers at bats. Good Lord son. Feel like he’s struck out his last 10 at bats
  8. Would be pretty nice if Hays started hitting again
  9. I’ll tell you why Gurgi and everyone else wondering. It’s because Adam Frazier right now is a much much better hitter than Joey Ortiz. We saw Ortiz in a small sample size. Similar to Cowser he didn’t hit the ball off the barrel of the bat.
  10. Imagine thinking the Orioles could win a bullpen game. Trash reliever after trash reliever.
  11. They’re going to send Cowser down. He doesn’t have a chance at the plate.
  12. I turned the game on in the 4th and I haven’t seen them hit one ball hard
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