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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. Hey... we've scored 10 runs in 5 innings! Even if they've gotten 7 off us, that's a GOOD day!
  2. We have SOME of that pitching... most nights...
  3. And technically, the 2nd time a coach, usually the manger the 2nd time, goes to the mound, the pitcher HAS to be pulled.
  4. 6 or 7 mound visits in a game, can't remember which is the number. And that includes Holt, or just the catcher, or just an infield huddle. EVERY "mound vist." Thank you Fred Manfred (a-hole) for your infinite wisdom...
  5. MOTHER F THAT! They did that FOR us the other night and I STILL don't agree! That late timeout for the hitter is
  6. DiPlan! DiPlan! Giving up runs! Takin' away outs! That's on YOU Richie! Gotta catch that ball. I don't care if it's HARD. CATCH IT! Make the throw! Get an out!
  7. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reputation! #citosux I'll NEVER FORGET that night! What an a-hole! What a dick-headed thing to do! ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!
  8. They're "checking" every pitcher now, every half inning. Manfred's stupid logic. #ruiningbaseball
  9. I forgot these were short games today but TWO games today!!! I'm as happy as a little girl!
  10. Yeah... I hope that's a hypothetical.
  11. Why can Pedro catch that pop but can't catch a FB DOWN THE MIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. That John Barleycorn song is like 400 years old.
  13. Said EVERY poster in EVERY game since 1954. ?
  14. Gaggle is for geese. Not sure what a bunch of monkeys is called.
  15. I'm a good (bad) bit embarrassed because I didn't know Little Stevie Winwood could play, or play like THAT!
  16. Bases FOB, 1 out! Gotta get some here Ryan!
  17. 66 in the 3rd. Hittable breaking ball there. TOR's BP isn't any help tho...
  18. I only ever drink Jack really, and Jack and I don't get along. ?
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