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scOtt last won the day on June 12 2021

scOtt had the most liked content!


About scOtt

  • Birthday 06/25/1962

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  • Location
    Waynesbar and Grill, PA
  • Homepage
  • Interests
    Music, computers, space, Orioles
  • Occupation
    machinist, former mechanical engineer
  • Favorite Current Oriole
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Brooks Brooks and Brooks

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Hangout Grand Counsel

Hangout Grand Counsel (14/14)

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  1. https://fb.me/e/4DM9qFOsG 

    Hi folks here is a link to an event on FB for Scott's Memorial Service. This is his sister and I want to let you know the family appreciates the beautiful comments you left about him. It is good to know he was loved and that you all cared so much for him.  

  2. RIP ScOtt. We hope weams was there to meet you and you guys are watching the departed Orioles beat the departed Yankees in a walk off! 

  3. Is that Grand National in your avatar yours? :)

  4. I like your new avatar! I do the best Burns impression. "Exxxxcellent!"

    1. OsFanSinceThe80s


      Thanks. I finally decided to get an avatar after being on the board for three years. So ahead of schedule. :) 

  5. scOtt

    I like your new avatar bud!

  6. You should keep posting. A lot. You seem like a good voice of reason in these tough times. I can't believe you've been a member so long and have so few posts. ?

  7. I like your new avatar. A little strange, which I'm always a fan of. ?

  8. As long as I am on my Goodfellas rant, love Jump into the Fire.  Nilsson was underrated, in my book.  Now, back to my 5-year-old triplets.  Love this thread, and your contributions!  Many good memories! 

    1. scOtt


      There's a great old video of Jump Into The Fire. Man and woman riding a motorcycle.

    2. HbgOsFan


      Also a great T Rex Bang a Gong video with the motorcycle.  Your music taste and thread brings back so many good memories.  Just started viewing.  Keep up the good work - much, much appreciated

    3. scOtt


      Good to hear the positive feedback! Sometimes it feels like I just drone on and on in the music threads. Like *tap tap tap* Is this thing on?

  9. Isn’t like the video link plz

  10. Welcome Back.


    1. scOtt


      Good to be back. I'll post details in a day or three when I get the courage.

    2. Can_of_corn


      You know we don't need to know.

    3. scOtt


      I need to tell. :)

    1. HarlowFan


      :) good guess though not the guess older o's fans would make. I was a teen when Larry Harlow was a rookie. He reminded me of myself and so I rooted for him to do well. When I created my account I remembered the underdog player I rooted for 28 years earlier.

    2. scOtt


      Cool! I don't remember him.

  11. Sisler is your  all-time Oriole? I'd have to say John McGraw then!


  12. NICE new avatar! That's far out!

  13. Thank yooouuuuuuuu! But I'm beyond saving. :P

    1. bobmc


      All good - I did not frequent the game thread so I am not aware.  Keep on keeping it real!  Aquino for the loss?

  14. That Yuri Gagarin was a great and very terrible jam! And who can abide it?



    1. Can_of_corn


      That was a fun find.  I've had a couple good days hunting up new tunes.

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