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Goober Noodles

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Goober Noodles last won the day on November 6 2012

Goober Noodles had the most liked content!

About Goober Noodles

  • Birthday 05/05/1986

Personal Information

  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Hiking, Mountain Biking, PC Gaming, Backpacking, Beer, Cars
  • Occupation
    IT Manager
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Nick Markakis
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Cal Ripken Jr.

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Goober Noodles's Achievements

Hangout Veteran Council

Hangout Veteran Council (13/14)

  • Dedicated Rare
  • Reacting Well
  • First Post
  • Collaborator
  • Posting Machine Rare

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  1. <p><p><p>Hey, the same pic of you, with your gf's head on your shoulder, is on our front page of the York paper. It's small, but it's there. Are you interested in me sending it to you?</p></p></p>

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