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Status Updates posted by Jammer7

  1. Tony, that is ridiculous. I was in the military, and a cop for 29 years. Fragile, ha! You have no idea, slick. I just find your actions and name calling to be hypocritical. It’s your board, man. You do whatever you want. I’ve been with you for 26 years, since 1997. Never once have I been banned or even warned about my posts. I disagree with lots of things, hell I even post some critical things about the team. I just find it hilarious that you would deny calling many of us the names I cited because we don’t tear the team down about decisions we don’t fully understand when it happens. And then take umbrage about Frobby writing about negative tone and saying many posters whine. LOL!

    I take breaks from this board because it is the same garbage mostly. I get very little out of it when it gets like that. I still reply on occasion. Besides, I coach a competitive travel team and have a fairly new full time job. I am usually at the field most nights and weekends.

    Some posters are still worth the time for me to read, like Frobby, SG sometimes, and a few others. It’s the throngs of uninformed ding dongs that don’t know the game at all. That is what I get tired of. I’m no butt-hurt snowflake, I just have things I’d rather do than read trash. I’m an old man, Tony. 

    We disagree on some things. You keep telling me it’s allowed, but…whatever. You know, when Frobby and I, two long time members here write something like these posts, maybe don’t take it personally. It’s not been a shot at you. Not really. I guess middle aged guys like us are no longer your target audience…lol!

    Have a good night, and stop being so sensitive. HA!

  2. <p><p><p>Thanks for the rep, stay safe brother.</p></p></p>

  3. <p><p><p>Thanks for the rep. I'm an LEO too for 16 years. I try not to take that kind of stuff personal, but occassionally it pisses me off. Stay safe!</p></p></p>

  4. <p><p><p>Thank you, my friend!</p></p></p>

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