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  • Birthday 03/31/1970

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  1. Isn't this thread about Hyde?
  2. That's one take for sure, but you sometimes have to take on risk for young controllable Ace. It's not desperation in the least bit though. It's called trading from your strength for your weakness. Besides, no one is claiming to "trade the farm" for him. Will it take one of the Big-3 to pry him away most likely, probably, but the Orioles have no impact pitching prospects currently and they need a young, controllable starter for not only this year, but the next two after.
  3. I also think people are over estimating our farm system. Once you get outside of the Big-3, Cowser/Kjerstad/Westburg the system takes a nose dive for prospect/young player value (assuming Gunnar and Adley are untouchable). I've been trying to say this to anyone who will listen that the well is running drier then people think. Now maybe this draft brings in another impact guy, but there are no additional impact prospects in the system right now unless one of the lottery International guys suddenly pop. This is why we have to hope Detroit will take someone like Basallo and maybe Stower/Norby along with Povich/Baumiester kind of trade for Skubel. Two and half years of Skubel is extremely valuable but not two or 3 Big-3 valuable.
  4. If anyone want two of the big-3 than I can understand Elias going in a different direction.
  5. That certainly could be a way they decide to go. Norby is still a decent trade chip, especially if a team is willing to live with his below average 2B defense.
  6. He's barely ever played 3B so that is not really a selling point. Mateo is a SS/2b/CF utility guy. He was not being traded to be an everyday guy in my opinion because I doubt any team sees him a an everyday player. Edit: I now see you were talking about Urias vs Mateo. Urias is 3B/1B/2B guy, but I doubt he's bringing much back because he's always on the cusp of being DFA'd. Urias is a slightly above replacement level player at this stage in his career. He's not going in any trade as anything but a throw in to clear up roster space.
  7. Tanner Scott was pitching the ninth so it really didn't matter, but Scott absolutely dominates lefties to a .077/.234/.128/.362 slash line. Pinch hitting Hays at that point was a no brainer.
  8. I have to agree here. Mateo is a good versatile utility guy who had been filling in admirably at 2B, especially against left-handers. His loss, which hopefully isn't for too long, should have no impact on any moves at the trading deadline. The Orioles can still play Westburg, Urias, and Norby at 2B, even if Holliday was moved.
  9. Basallo, Norby/Stowers, and Povich/Baumeister should be the most the Orioles should give up. And yes, it's going to be painful to watch Basallo become an impact major league hitter for years after Skubel is gone, but if the Orioles win a World Series, who cares?
  10. Maybe for Mayo or Basallo, but I think Holliday gets him straight up. I would not trade Kjerstad or Cowser along with one of the big three. Each of the Big-3 should be able to headline a deal for Skubel. I do think they will want some quantity, but it will probably more of a Norby/Stowers type along with a Beavers/Fabian type and/or maybe a Povich/McDermott type. If they want Mayo/Basallo along with Cowser/Kjerstad that would have to be hard no for me.
  11. 3.44 ERA is not a good bullpen ERA. There are no impact relievers in this pen besides Kimbrel. This bullpen needs major upgrades to be a winning playoff caliber bullpen.
  12. McDermott turns 26 next month, so he's who he is at this point. We don't know how he will look pitching on one or two days rest because the Orioles have not developed him as a reliever. Could he do it, perhaps, but that is part of my issue with the Orioles continuing to develop guys who could be of help as relievers as starters. Could McDermott be that impact reliever this team needs? It's possible, but it might have been even more possible if he was used that way this year in AAA. McDermott has a starter's repertoire, but he's got a reliever's command and he's been inconsistent as a starter even this year in AAA. If they send him back down, they should do what they did with DL Hall and use him a reliever in August in AAA, see how he looks, then bring him up late in August for the pen so he's available in the playoffs if he looks good in that role.
  13. Baker has the option and will be the yo-yo guy this season.
  14. As someone who wanted Bassitt and was disappointed to see what he signed for and it wasn't with the Orioles, I'm ok with them going out and getting him. Bassitt is a solid starter and while he's not an impact guy, he would not cost one of the big-3 and could probably be had for Povich and perhaps a Dylan Beavers-type prospect. I still want Skubel, but Bassitt would make the team better this year and next.
  15. You do realize that was because Burnes was in the last year of contract and Skubel has two more years of control after this playoff run. So the Orioles get Skubel for three post seasons vs one so he's going to cost more. At the end of the day, this is about winning a World Series. Skubel makes this team more of a World Series contender than Holliday, Mayo or Basallo does. None of us want to trade the big-3, but the Orioles need an impact pitcher. Now maybe they will find one that doesn't cost them one of the Big-3, but they will be a rental and then next year the Orioles will be going into the offseason with just Grayson and Kremer penciled into the rotation in 2025.
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