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Posts posted by WarehouseChatter

  1. My “comfort index” is currently:

    Extremely High




    Need More Info

    If Kimbrel is healthy, I might have more comfort. If Suarez makes a successful conversion and Wells gets healthy and moves to pen, we could actually have a really good pen. Irvin could contribute as well if Grayson returns and takes his spot in the rotation. We need a strong pen in the playoffs. 

  2. At the end of the day, we're all people. We are born, live our lives, and pass. Everyone chooses a different path in life as to how they live it and nobody truly knows the intent of others. I've chosen for years to grumble (and more) about Mr. Angelos and his handling of the team. That said, he's a human being. I pray that he rests in peace with full love and support to the Angelos family. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Honestly, this is a great situation for the new ownership group. They’re buying in at a depressed value and have an opportunity to invest the resources, create a winning culture,  draw in more fans, and ultimately sell (or investors get bought out) at a much higher value in the future. The Orioles were the class of baseball for nearly 20 years from the mid-60s to the mid-80s. I remember when we drew 2M fans for the first time. After their fall in the late 80s, they rebuilt a team that was again top of class in ‘96 and ‘97. We invested in Alomar, Palmeiro, Bonilla. If we get back to that place, this ownership group will be extremely happy.

  4. 29 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    First of all, since you are selling the team you will not pay for most of the contract. 


    It doesn’t work that way. His cost would impact the valuation. Now it might be offset by the expected revenue benefit over time,  but that is hard to quantify. Believe me, a $500k contract will be considered in the valuation.

  5. I agree that Texas looks beatable but the bats need to come to life. We need a spark. Maybe Kjerstad is the answer. I don’t think it’s Hicks. Mullins is so valuable in CF but some of his swings and misses today were ugly.

  6. I was pretty emotional tonight. 2014 was great, but this just feels different. Elias has truly built a machine even without supplementing with bigger-name free agents. The clubhouse culture has never been better. While I scowl when I see John Angelos, I do think he’s enjoying this and he has to feel good about what’s happened as the Orioles representative from an ownership standpoint.

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