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Everything posted by WarehouseChatter

  1. Bumped because we were swept for the first time in nearly 2 years? Maybe you should be bumped!
  2. My “comfort index” is currently: Extremely High -none- High Coulombe Webb Cano Perez Medium Kimbrel Akin Low Baumann Need More Info Suarez If Kimbrel is healthy, I might have more comfort. If Suarez makes a successful conversion and Wells gets healthy and moves to pen, we could actually have a really good pen. Irvin could contribute as well if Grayson returns and takes his spot in the rotation. We need a strong pen in the playoffs.
  3. I’ve been holding my breath as, unfortunately, you almost expect injuries with young hurlers. Hoping it’s a bout of tendinitis that resolves itself with a few weeks off.
  4. How high can the attendance go in ‘24? Can we get to 2.5M? Feels like that’s the big cutoff when I look at prior year attendance and those who draw well vs. the others.
  5. At the end of the day, we're all people. We are born, live our lives, and pass. Everyone chooses a different path in life as to how they live it and nobody truly knows the intent of others. I've chosen for years to grumble (and more) about Mr. Angelos and his handling of the team. That said, he's a human being. I pray that he rests in peace with full love and support to the Angelos family.
  6. Give Snell a high dollar, short-term deal. 3 years, $100M. Yes there is risk, but at least as his deal expires, our young talent will begin hitting arbitration. I like this more than trading away more prospects for Luzardo.
  7. Honestly, this is a great situation for the new ownership group. They’re buying in at a depressed value and have an opportunity to invest the resources, create a winning culture, draw in more fans, and ultimately sell (or investors get bought out) at a much higher value in the future. The Orioles were the class of baseball for nearly 20 years from the mid-60s to the mid-80s. I remember when we drew 2M fans for the first time. After their fall in the late 80s, they rebuilt a team that was again top of class in ‘96 and ‘97. We invested in Alomar, Palmeiro, Bonilla. If we get back to that place, this ownership group will be extremely happy.
  8. Rubenstein has already tweeted twice to Oriole fans which is 2 times more than anyone named Angelos ever did.............and Rubenstein doesn't even own the team yet.
  9. Sounds like Dillon Tate looks great. Can’t forget the addition of his arm in the pen! https://www.mlb.com/news/dillon-tate-returning-to-orioles-in-2024-after-injury-in-2023
  10. Anyone critical of this package is insane. This is an incredible deal. Yes, we all wanted to see Hall succeed in an O’s uniform and you hate to give up an early draft pick but this is one of the best starters in baseball and we will likely have every chance to sign him long term with new ownership.
  11. I haven’t posted yet on this topic (and don’t post frequently), but I’ve been a member for a very long time and visit this site just about every day. Words can’t express my level of excitement, hope, and intense assuagement that this is happening. We have been in Purgatory (at best) for 30+ years! While we don’t know how the team will be run, I have a high level of confidence we will all be incredibly pleased with the outcome. I promise to post more and get into great debate on topics. It’s what makes the board so special. Thanks to those who have been here for as long as I have. You have made this a great place. THESE ARE EXCITING TIMES! YOU GOTTA BE HERE!
  12. Merry Christmas to all! Truly blessed to be surrounded by great Orioles fans in a very special community!
  13. Didn’t realize this covered the more recent period. That should allow the Nats to move forward with a sale. It also seems like JA is cleaning up the house. For what? Let’s hope.
  14. Looks to me like a mere formality stating that Orioles don’t agree with the ruling but will abide by it.
  15. Frobby, While I don’t post often enough, I’m constantly on the board and see your posts. You have great knowledge and a great mind for the game. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions over the years!
  16. It doesn’t work that way. His cost would impact the valuation. Now it might be offset by the expected revenue benefit over time, but that is hard to quantify. Believe me, a $500k contract will be considered in the valuation.
  17. I find it interesting that the Banner has been quiet on this. They broke the family legal dispute but are saying nothing about Rubenstein/Orioles. Do you think they are questioning the credibility? The Sun had an article. Just curious as to everyone’s thoughts.
  18. I agree that Texas looks beatable but the bats need to come to life. We need a spark. Maybe Kjerstad is the answer. I don’t think it’s Hicks. Mullins is so valuable in CF but some of his swings and misses today were ugly.
  19. Is it because at season’s end, you basically add everyone to your active roster who is on the 40-man roster? Might be the case.
  20. I was pretty emotional tonight. 2014 was great, but this just feels different. Elias has truly built a machine even without supplementing with bigger-name free agents. The clubhouse culture has never been better. While I scowl when I see John Angelos, I do think he’s enjoying this and he has to feel good about what’s happened as the Orioles representative from an ownership standpoint.
  21. Can’t wait to see the plans! Also can’t wait to hear poster’s thoughts on desired modifications. I do feel an Atlanta-esque hotel/restaurant/shop area between and around the stadiums would be a great idea for the city, but we’ll see what they decide.
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