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About Chito

  • Birthday 09/25/1980

Personal Information

  • Location
    Greenville, NC
  • Interests
    Golf, rock and roll, booze
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Nick Markakis
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Eric Davis

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Chito's Achievements

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee (7/14)

  • Dedicated Rare
  • Reacting Well
  • First Post
  • Collaborator
  • Very Popular Rare

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  1. <p><p><p>Hey man. Just finished band rehearsal (my new Kinks band - somehow got Peter Holsapple involved and he's on keys) and just seeing this. So glad we connected on here. Yeah, you're right. The kids look far older. I was trying to do the math and crazy how much they've grown. And Ned is SO much like Eddie, definitely. If you think you may come to the friends' gathering (it's now Saturday at 9pm at Dos Perros in Durham), let me know. I'll look for you. My email is jeffhoo1@gmail.com and cell is 919-286-7614.</p></p></p>

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