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About Todd-O

  • Birthday 06/01/1972

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  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Austin Hays
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Adam Jones

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  1. Was just at Boston Logan Airport and three players were getting bags… I didn’t recognize them. The guy on the left was tall… wondering if that’s Grayson with a beard? Meh. Probably not.
  2. You mean: you heard it in the linked video? I don’t believe that for a second.
  3. Yes, you’re right. Obviously every tacky substance has color. ? pitchers don’t t just reach into a glove and rub their finger tips on one particular spot.
  4. his fingers definitely stick in the video from earlier this year
  5. Say it ain’t so... https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMepDh6xc/
  6. From https://www.houstonpress.com/news/red-sox-too-mlb-widens-scope-of-cheating-investigation-11417705 "HOWEVER, it could radically alter the scope of punishment for teams like the Astros if baseball determines the problem, as many suspected, is more widespread. That doesn't mean there won't be any punishment. There's a good chance only a handful of teams employed tactics to gain a competitive advantage (cough...cheated...cough). For the love of God, let's hope the Orioles didn't cheat because, well, they would suck at that worse than they suck at baseball." You know, this definitely made me chuckle. Brutal and honest, yes. But reality? Probably so...?
  7. News is saying that Alex Cora has been implicated in Astros cheating during 2017 and could possibly be punished for that... which leads my mind directly to Mike Elias. It would be just the Orioles luck to have a former Astros executive, turned Orioles savior, go down in a heap of flames over something like this. Anyone else let their mind slip to the possibility that Elias is also wrapped up in this?
  8. Todd-O


    I’m extremely jealous on a ton of levels. one of the hardest things about the Nats arrival (and their success), is that most of my baseball friends have completely migrated to become Nats fans. They’ve been dishing it out this post season... I sure wish the O’s were saddled-up with the Nats good fortunes!
  9. Not to kick this day off with doom and gloom, but I think baseball in Baltimore is in trouble. This has everything to do with the Nats and the massive market share that franchise has stolen and is actively solidifying as life-long fans... carved-out of the the wealthy and booming areas of Northern-VA, DC, and Montgomery County. It's no mistake that baseball is allowing this to happen. They know where the money is. They wanted the region's territory to center around DC, not Baltimore. This year was the first year that I began to notice Camden was looking a little ragged around the edges. The luxury suites are woefully outdated. The hallways around the club/suite section are knocked up and looking dirty. At one game I noted one of the food stations in that section of the stadium had filth on the floor and around the food equipment.... the stadium also has signs of wear... and the diamond-vision is looking small and outdated. Baltimore, in general, is experiencing really tough times. Even the once clean and shiny areas around the stadium are looking ragged – concrete crumbling, weeds, little foot traffic. It's not a magnet for investment. It's not a destination for tourism. It's not a town that suburbanites are heading to – the Baltimore riots and the immediate post-riot drop in stadium attendance at Camden is proof enough. If you need more proof, just go wander You contrast that with what's happening at Nationals Stadium and DC in general. Billion dollar business are putting offices down in the stadium area. Condos are going up fast... the restaurant/bar scene is exploding. And that really extends across the greater DC area, straight into Bethesda and Northern VA. While I'm not a fan of the vibe in National's Park, the amenities and state-of-the-art feel is hard to ignore... not to mention the fact that business are packed into their luxury boxes. Peter Angelos saw this coming 100 miles away. He knew the value of the DC market was invaluable to the Orioles. This year we heard the first rumblings of actual destinations for the Orioles. And while it was shot down, I think it's only a matter of time before the team succumbs to the strength and pull of the Nationals, and the fact that our Metro area isn't as large or balanced as places such as New York or LA. The Nats are big spenders...and they aren't showing any sign of slowing down. They tripped the luxury tax threshold 3x in four years... this is Yankees/Red Sox/LA territory. Baltimore is now a perennial small market team. I give the Orioles 8 years before the MLB helps usher their departure to more fertile grounds. It could be sooner, depending on who ultimately buys the team. Breaks my heart to think that way, but I'm having a hard time seeing this play out any differently.
  10. What? This is such a typical internet chat room response. Flaherty was exactly what the Os needed for years. And, oh, by the way, he actually showed up when he made appearances in the playoffs.... hitting a respectable .281 / .830 ops. Why crap on the guy like he was roadkill? LAME
  11. Of course everyone wants to watch a winner. At this point, though, I just want COMPETITIVE BASEBALL. One of the reasons why September was so exciting is that the Orioles showed-up and played night after night. It wouldn't have been nearly as fun if they had stunk the entire month and then magically eeked-out a win against the sox at the end of the season.
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