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Frobby last won the day on July 15

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About Frobby

  • Birthday 06/13/1957

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    Bethesda MD
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    Besides this one? Breathing, I guess.
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    Retired Lawyer
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Austin Hays, but lots of candidates
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Frank Robinson (duh)

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  1. Short poll to gauge opinions.
  2. Anyone who said Hays can’t hack it anymore judged him on his first month of the season and has ignored how he’s played since then. He has an .872 OPS since coming off the IL in May. Overall, despite the terrible start, he has a 106 OPS+, right in line with 107 for his career. Saying that, I have no problem with the trade.
  3. To be clear, these are 2024 numbers in minuscule sample sizes. I actually don’t even know what a “late inning pressure” stat is. Never heard of it.
  4. It really irks me when people don’t respect the purpose of an appreciation thread.
  5. Per Roch: Hays ranks in the top 50 in Orioles history in doubles (36th with 121), runs (47th with 269), home runs (tied for 47th with 66), RBIs (49th with 242).
  6. You are thinking of this thread, I think, asking who would have the better career. I posted it after Mullins’ career year in 2021. Mullins won the poll handily and at least so far the majority have been right.
  7. I’m going to miss Austin a lot. He always played 100%. He really enjoyed playing the game, you could tell. When he did something good, you could see how happy he was. And, he suffered through all the terrible years and finally got to see the team come out the other side. He and his wife also were very active in the community and very charitable. I would have been disappointed for Hays if he’d been traded to some lousy team. I think Philly is a great opportunity for him and will root for him to get more playing time and show what he can do. Farewell to a class act.
  8. This should be good for Hays. Phillies positional splits: LF .664 CF .602 RF .717 Hays seems likely to get significantly more PT in Philly than he’s gotten this year. And, the ballpark is way more friendly to RHB. For us, it clears more room for our younger players and gives us a true CF who’s not awful vs. LHP. I think he’ll be strictly platooned. Dominguez adds some bullpen depth but he’s not the back end guy we need. Other moves coming, I’m sure.
  9. Witt was quite old for a high school senior. I’d guess 90%+ of June babies would have been finishing high school right at their 18th birthday, like Gunnar. Witt’s the outlier there.
  10. Generally speaking, years of control is very important to these rankings. Adley is down from 5 to 9 not because of any diminution in performance, but simply because he only has 3.3 years of control remaining compared to 4.3 last year, and the year he “lost” is a pre-Arb season that comes incredibly cheaply. Gunnar will be in that same spot next year, so he’s almost certain to drop several spots unless he somehow is even better next year than this one. Witt on the other hand doesn’t need to move down because he’s under contract for quite a long time. Of course, there’s something the O’s could do that might keep Gunnar at no. 1….
  11. So to recap: 1. Henderson 9. Rutschman 29. Westburg 37. Holliday 47. Rodriguez HM - Basallo, Burnes, Cowser, Kjerstad, Mayo All in one org.
  12. I’m very interested to see whether Cowser can get on a sustained hot streak now or if this is just a blip on the radar screen. Sometimes all these young guys need is for a few things to go right and boost their confidence, and then they take it and run. Let’s hope that’s the case here. 406 feet for Cowser yesterday. When he hits homers, they’re not cheapies.
  13. I think the Norby play would have been bang-bang if he’d fielded it cleanly. It was an unfortunately placed 78 mph squibber. I wouldn’t call that play routine. Of course, Norby’s stumble eliminated any chance of making the play.
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