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Everything posted by jjnono

  1. The interesting aspect of the suspension is in the phrasing of Cano's response, which contradicts the actual truth. I don't have it handy, but Cano's official response goes to great lengths to note that furosemide IS NOT a performance enhancing drug, and then he reverts to that hoary old adage of having never failed a drug test because he's never taken performance enhancing drugs. But he's accepting the ban because it IS true that he took furosemide. Well, yes, factually, furosemide is not a performance enhancing drug but, rather, a pretty effective masking agent. And MLB can't actually suspend someone for use of a masking agent unless they can prove its use was intended to conceal the use of other substances. When notified of his positive test for furosemide, Cano appealed. MLB then presented him with the evidence they had to uphold a ban for furosemide. At this point Cano more or less HAS to drop his appeal, or run the risk of the legal situation - i.e., the MLB evidence - winding up in the public realm. That's what the ban is about - not having the truth become public. And the truth gets wrapped up in deliberate and misleading statements that attempt to make the story about furosemide, which it's not. Cano is a cheater AND a liar. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that Cano is a cheater and his public relations firm is a liar... Anyway....
  2. The Rockies of the Southeast Denver Baseball Little League have listed pitcher Finnegan Wells as Day-to-Day after Finnegan tumbled from his "totally cool" stunt bike while attempting a jump over three school backpacks in his backyard. Wells suffered several abrasions on his forearm. When asked about the decision to make the jump, Finnegan insisted, "it seemed like a good idea at the time." If forced to miss his next start, Wells will be replaced by Tony Colantangelo, who claims to throw "faster than a speeding train."
  3. You mean like the NFL? Which gave every single doper in its league an alibi by warning them off of Mexican meat products? "Oh, I tested positive for what? I must have ingested Mexican meat products!"
  4. Couldn't agree more. And now I can follow first round action at the Masters relatively angst free!
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