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Posts posted by Skeletor

  1. Do any of you check out the local Indy promotions? A few of the local guys work out at my gym and I'm sure they would appreciate the support and/or the attendance.

    There's an upcoming event at Orchard Beach Banquet Hall on Solley Rd in Glen Burnie on January 28th. Jerry Lawler is going to be there.

  2. R Truth isn't good anyway. He is a mid carder that maybe you put into IC title type contention.

    But trying to push him to main event status is awful.

    You push him in that way but you take a guy like Swagger, put the belt on him and then fade him back into nothing.

    I just don't get it. They aren't doing a good job of getting their young guys over enough...A few years ago, McIntyre and Dibiase were supposed to be the long term faces of the WWE...now, they don't do anything.

    WWE is coming off as a promotion that has no idea what the fans want right now. They're throwing guys against the wall to see who sticks and then can't figure out if it's working or not.

  3. I would like to add that I personally believe that Pro Wrestling/Entertainment will begin a steady decline in ratings and popularity. I think that the glory days have come and gone, although I think it'll remain popular enough to remain solid for another decade or so, before an eventual fade into 'relative' obscurity.

    Anyone getting SS tomorrow? I'm not, just curious.

    Pro wrestling sucks now, without a doubt. But that's wrestling for you. It may well drop into irrelevance, but it will bounce back. Someone will come up with an idea and someone will have the balls to implement it and wrestling will make a comeback.

  4. Apparently they discuss that Michaels asked Bret Hart to join Hall, Nash, HHH, and HBK when they were forming the behind the scenes "klique" and after a few conversations Hart didn't like that big players would only look out for themselves. Could be old news though.

    Bret talks about this in his book a little. Best wrestling book I've ever read, by the way.

  5. Wrestling in general is not all that great anymore SG. I am not a real big fan of any of the new guys, and Vince seems to have lost a grip on what the fans want to see. It is what it is. I can usually fast forward through RAW in about 45 minutes.

    I agree. I'm not going to say having a PG program is bad in itself, but it seems the writing has struggled to stay entertaining since the switch. You can still have the OMG! moments at a PG level but I haven't seen many.

  6. When Cena saved Mysterio, I was expecting him to turn on him.

    But, based on what was said, Cena doesn't appear to be turning heel.

    Punk was supposedly meeting with HHH but I doubt they become all buddy buddy.

    So, perhaps Nash and HHH will lead a heel faction with, as I said, Del Rio as the lead guy?

    This makes a lot of sense. The only thing I could see keeping this from happening is whether or not Nash and HHH would want to work a full schedule.

    I like ADR in the ring. He needs some work on the mic but that's the state of the business today. It seems they're throwing it against the wall and seeing what sticks and Del Rio is as good as any. If they can get some of the old guys back to put them over and pass the torch so to speak, things will be looking good.

  7. Is there a reason why WAR is more popular than win shares? Is one more reliable than the other?

    No. The calculations to arrive at these numbers that sort of mean the same thing are quite different. However, take them with a grain of salt. There are a lot of assumptions made in the calculations. Is a guy with a 4.5 WAR more valuable than a guy with a 4.2 WAR? The answer is maybe.

  8. Randy Johnson is going for win 300 in DC and there's somewhere between 7 and 8 people there to see it. Way to embarrass yourself on the national stage.

  9. Oh, btw, they definitely read this forum. Have heard Dave Johnson use exact quotes form this forum on more than one occasion.

    True, then it's usually followed by a hearty laugh at how idiotic we are and how great Eaton's stuff looked in his first two starts.

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