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About Runs2the1Show

  • Birthday 08/23/1991

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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Baseball, Basketball, Football, food
  • Occupation
    college student, Indiana University
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Adam Jones

Runs2the1Show's Achievements

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee (7/14)

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  1. I'd certainly think about extending Trey but for no more than 3 yrs and a contract value not to exceed $12M AAV. Other than maybe Means and Mullins, we don't really have any candidates for extension so funds shouldn't be an issue over the course of that period of time. There is an argument that his production could be somewhat replaced for far cheaper, but again, don't think we'd necessarily be directing those funds elsewhere.
  2. My general thought is that winning is the most important thing to keeping fan engagement high and while it's nice to have players that you are constantly rooting for, I would rather have the names changing every few years to consistently have a good product on the field have a homegrown star struggle through missing making the playoffs for 5+ years straight (ala Cal).
  3. I do wonder how much of this is a negotiating tactic. If it's something that the players want, I could see Manfred and co giving on this pretty easily in exchange for something else.
  4. I never said I don't see a difference between the two - the difference is two innings per game. That is a fact. You're saying people are paying for 18 innings, which they fundamentally aren't. They are paying for 14. If, under the old rules a team were to decide to offer 2 games for the price of one, then yes, they would be paying for 18 innings. When I went to a Rockies double header in May and paid for one ticket, it was very clear that I was getting 14 innings of baseball. I can assure you not a single person there thought they were paying for 18 innings. Your argument is one of semantics. My argument is related to the actual product / impact on the game.
  5. I still don't understand what you are arguing. You are paying for 1 game and getting two. In terms of innings, you are getting at least 14. Still more bang for your buck either way. I personally love both rules. Is it a bummer that I am less likely to see Chris Davis retire the side in the 17th inning for the win? Sure. But it helps prevent injury and I personally care more about seeing the best product on the field at all times. If it helps with pace of play and attracts more fans to watch / go to the ballpark, even better. The only argument "against" is being a baseball purist, which I get. But for the longevity of the game, I hope at least the runner on 2nd rule remains.
  6. <p><p><p>Happy birthday</p></p></p>

  7. <p><p><p>Hey I would be interested in those tickets on the 22nd and 23rd depending on where and your price. Just let me know. Thanks</p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p>Happy Birthday</p></p></p>

  9. This, and the bathroom at work thread, are by far the funniest things I have ever read on this site.
  10. <p><p><p>Yeah I'm with Hillsvillehokie, how do you PM, I'd like the link too!</p></p></p>

  11. <p><p><p>i hope this is a pm. Could you send me the link? Thanks</p></p></p>

  12. <p><p><p>did you read the articles on gary and Maryland basketball in the Post today?</p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p>Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse in GaryLand. Unreal, the biggest ACC loss we've ever had.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>So yes, I'll choose not to talk about it ever again <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p>

  14. <p><p><p>so.... does yesterday's raping go down as one of those things that we never talk about again in our lives?</p></p></p>

  15. <p><p><p>That's great. I did some free-lance journalism when I was in my 20s. My first-ever attempt at getting anything published in my life was an op-ed which I dropped off at the Washington Post building on a Friday -- and lo and behold, I open up my Sunday paper two days later, and there it is in the Outlook section (paired up with a piece by David Broder, of all people)! That was a pleasant shock. BTW, you're a fantastic poster, which I've noticed for a while. I'm aware of the Syracuse communications program. Their alumni list is pretty incredible. I hope it all works out for you, Mr. Runs!</p></p></p>

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