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MrOrange82 last won the day on July 10 2014

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About MrOrange82

  • Birthday 10/06/1982

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  1. It just occurred to me that I don't have any Orioles on my fantasy team following the Machado and Schoop trades.
  2. It'll be interesting to see if the O's international apparatus, which DD has basically admitted is underdeveloped and behind other teams right now, can successfully ID guys worth spending on that other teams haven't spoken with.
  3. I'm banking on the idea that VVM won't/shouldn't take all of the O's international funds, especially since DD has indicated that Dominican/Venezuelan signings are inbound this week. If the end result is VVM and just 1-2 other guys. I'll be more skeptical overall. Speaking of which, are there any specific names from those countries who're unsigned and worth knowing?
  4. So the question is, how much do you think 2.5 million gets the O's in terms of international talent (minus whatever fraction of that could/would be applied to VVM)?
  5. I think people should actually look up pictures of the guy before making proclamations about fatness. He doesn't look muscular to me, but, as a professional athlete, I'd wager he's far more fit than the average person with his build. That said, I'd also wager that the stats page underestimates his weight by 10-20 pounds.
  6. It's really not simple. As others have implied, it's actually premature. IMO, whatever international players the O's wind up signing should be strongly factored into the perceived quality of this trade. Just can't assess at this point.
  7. Again, FIP worse than ERA. The O's defense and Gausman's lack of progress as a starter aren't as entwined as you're making them out to be.
  8. So...the fact that his FIP is worse than his ERA counts for nothing?
  9. I don't think we've been watching the same guy pitch.
  10. The best part of these trades is possibly the international money. Not because of any particular international signee, but because you probably don't trade for more international money unless you intend to spend it. That alone would be a huge departure from the recent past.
  11. Somebody needs to get on the Schoop appreciation thread, if they haven't already. That might be the biggest loss of the season/recent memory.
  12. When does the title change to "the thread formerly known as Givens to somewhere" and/or release its remix of Purple Rain?
  13. No blue checkmark. I just don't know what to believe.
  14. Dude, it's a fake Rosenthal account. Blink/squint before posting.
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