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Posts posted by JDubs

  1. Quick question -- is anyone who has posted in this thread actually Native American? If not, then our opinions don't amount to a hill of beans. Nothing like having a bunch of white guys argue about whether something is or isn't offensive to Native Americans.

    There's only one group whose opinion matters on this subject. If Native Americans want the name changed, then change it. If they don't, then don't. I'm sure there's a way to do a definitive, comprehensive poll of Native American groups. They're the only ones who should have a voice in this matter.

    I agree on all points.

    That's why Redskins fans have been citing polls and calling out the social justice warriors that feel like they are improving the world by posting on a message board. It's just an excerise in circle-jerkery and it's tiresome.

  2. Ok, so if you were in a conversation with a Native American and they told you that they found the term offensive, you would tell them to get over it? I don't know man, it seems easier to just change the name. Would you care for the team less if they had a different name?

    I'm not against a name change. If the team decides to change the name, I'll support it and be relieved that I don't have to explain the nuances of this issue to people; however, this smear campaign needs to stop...or at least be clearly identified as the media ratings frenzy that it is.

  3. So you would have no problem going up to a group of Native Americans and greeting them by calling them Redskins?

    Also, do you disagree with any other words as they are defined in the dictionary?

    This is the biggest strawman talking point that the media keeps repeating. There is a difference between a team name and a specific interaction with an individual. I have literally never heard anyone ever be referred to by Redskins ever...in person or otherwise. But I have rooted for a proud football franchise with the same name for over 30 years. Context exists and it matters.

    I don't call any individual by anything other than their name. It can be taken out of context. But it doesn't change the fact that there are multiple contexts. Redskins is the name of a football team--for 82 years--not a racist insult. People rally around it. Families bond over it. Communities take pride in it. It has been a tremendously positive influence on the DC metropolitan area and beyond. It's about courage, honor, and respect. It's clear that this is not a unanimous opinion. That's fine. Few opinions are, but it's called agreeing to disagree. But instead, the minority is trying to shout the rest down. Fans, players, and native Americans, by a majority, are not in favor of a name change. Even if that weren't true, why should the Redskins kowtow? The team will continue as it has and that is its right.

    And I hail to the Redskins.

  4. It is racism I am against. You were in the Ray Rice thread complaining about domestic violence. I didn't insult you I actually said you were right. I guess you can only see issues when they don't involve sports teams of which you are a fan. This issue isn't going away.

    I appreciate your support in that thread, but I truly believe this is a media manufactured issue tailored to hit the sweet spot of social justice warriors. It's click bait. This wasn't an issue until the media had nothing else to talk about and made it one.

    Redskins is not racist. That's my opinion and there is significant evidence to support it.

    However, I wouldn't have a problem with your proposal to change the name to identify with a tribe that is proud of the moniker. That actually sounds like a reasonable compromise.

  5. How is trolling to post I a thread about the teams name that I did not start? If Tony thought the thread was trolling then he should lock it.. I think your user name is racist and you should be banned for it. The DC area has a history of extreme racism to Native Americans. If you don't believe me go to the museum in DC and read about it. It would be no different then if a Mississippi team had a racist black term for a team name for a sport team or a German team had a racist name towards Jews. Do you notice there aren't many Native Americans in the area? Do you wonder why?

    Changing to a name of a tribe that agrees to accept it would be the right thing to do. The team could pay the tribe money to use their name.

    If you're posts are not trolling, they sure as heck violate the "Don't be a jerk" rule. Good grief. You're posting history shows that you frequently take this approach on a wide range of issues.

  6. What amazes me is that Native Americans are thought of so lowly in this country that football teams can name their teams after terribly offensive racist terms towards them.

    Basically any other ethnic group was treated this way by an NFL team there would be complete outrage and the teams name would be changed in a day. Could you imagine the backlash if the team used a racist term against black people or Jews how upset people would be. I bet even if you used a derogatory name about Muslims there would be an uproar. It is truly amazing.

    This is all complete and utter garbage. You're looking to get a rise out of Redskins fans...you're not going to get it from me.

  7. This thread stays open in case there are any developments. Moving on from all discussion pertaining to that decision.

    As you've said. Just because you've made your ruling doesn't mean people can't state that they'd prefer the thread shut down. It's not criticism. It's an opinion. And since you're ruling is to keep it open, I'll keep participating in it in a constructive manner.

    Also, it was never my opinion that this thread should be shut down because it has "zero to do with football." Not sure who you're quoting. I requested (a long time ago) that it be closed because the issue is a manufactured dead horse, beaten to death with absolutely no new developments.

    As I have said, I accept (and have accepted for some time) your ruling. No need to go on the offensive. I'm not sure if something is being lost in translation because you seem to be very upset, so I'll say it plainly again: I have accepted your decision and I am not attacking you or your OH authority. Let's move on.

  8. No and....no.

    The only rants I've seen are from you two. Go to the Ravens section and you'll still discussions of Ray Rice's offseason controversy.

    More importantly, it has already been explained that when this topic loses steam it will drop down the list, particularly during the season when supposedly you guys will fill the page with game related topics. There are plenty of other topics for you to read and discuss. Why you continue to post in the one thread that somehow offends your sensibilities makes no sense at all.

    I basically said as much. No one is attacking you. Serenity now!

  9. What difference does it make that this thread is still visible on a lightly visited Redskins forum during the offseason? It would still show up, locked or open.

    To keep it civil, I will only say I really don't appreciate your remark about the "perceived hypocrisy" of the moderation by Tony and myself. The difference between the two situations was already pointed out to you by myself and Odenton O. You made your request known here, and elsewhere and it was turned down. Move on.

    I'll leave you with board rule 13.

    I moved on a week ago. Even edited my post with a mea culpa. Actually, I moved on weeks ago when I made the request and it was declined. I was simply responding to another poster's comment. No offense was meant. That's why I said "perceived" hypocrisy...because at that point I was acknowledging that it was not actual hypocrisy.

    To keep it civil, I'll leave it at that.

  10. You do realize that no one had posted in this thread for over a week... until you did?

    As Tony said, if there's nothing to discuss, it will die on its own.

    (Personally, I think the Ray Rice thread got closed solely due to the antics of one particular poster who just couldn't leave it alone, not due to the topic itself. But obviously, that's not for me to say.)

    EDIT: This is actually a good point. I did not realize that it had been a week, although that is how this forum tends to work. Threads don't disappear here quite as quickly as in the Orioles forum. If I had realized it had been a week...who am I kidding? I probably would have attempted to point out the perceived hypocrisy anyways.

  11. You are simply wrong.

    You can substitute less-violent societal changes prompted by a single case (Rosa Parks, maybe) if it makes you feel better about continuing to support use of a racial slur for a sports team. I understand that those are hoops one has to jump through.

    This isn't about ratings, it's about bigotry. It's about fixing something that is clearly and obviously wrong to any clear-thinking person. That is 100% congruent to the examples I gave previously.

    I'm all for changing the name so I don't have to listen to these self-righteous arguments anymore. Everyone here believes in equality and human dignity. But YOU WIN! You you're the most condescending, black-and-white person about it. None of us doubt you're supremacy, in that regard. Sleep easy.

  12. These are even more relevant



    Most positive social changes have had a key moment that brings a wrong to light. A moment or situation when minds are changed, when people stop and think "You know what, this is wrong."

    Perhaps the team's brief run of success helped ignite a movement in the same way Till's murder pushed along the civil rights movement. It doesn't lessen the legitimacy of the movement.

    Don't co-op actual physical violence and tragedy to suit your argument. Shame on you.

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