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Sammy So-So

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Posts posted by Sammy So-So

  1. I prefer ImageShack, which I think is quicker. I'm still having trouble with GIMP (like how to pue two images together) so I'll have to find a few tutorials.

    GIMP is a bit tricky at first... I just drag the second photo right on top of the first photo, and then mess with paint and erase until it looks right... GIMP's website has some useful "beginner" tutorials too. I have to try imageshack, photobucket is for the birds... see what I did there?

  2. Yeah, but then how do you link the pics you um, adjust?

    save the pic to a photosharing site like photobucket, or facebook, etc... When you post, click the "insert image" button on post screen, and enter the url.

    (disclaimer: photobucket will frustrate you and make you legally insane, works most of the time though)

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