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Posts posted by Rene88

  1. Just now, Luke-OH said:

    You are right, the game means nothing, and the decision to pull him had nothing to do with trying to win this game. 

    By bringing in the worst pitcher on the team? That’s how you do that? 


  2. 6 minutes ago, McLovin said:

    The last thing this team needs is to put stats and individual milestones ahead of the team and organization.

    Hess pitched 2 innings 3 days ago. If he gets hurt, what do they do? I mean their 5th “starter” is a 2 inning reliever as it is already. They can’t afford to lose Hess. 

    Can’t afford to lose Hess? Don’t you work for a board that said Hess is nothing more than a long guy at best? Funny to hear. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Luke-OH said:

    He wasn't on full rest, it was going to take 110+ to finish it, Hess didn't look pissed off by it, it's a move that took guts, a hard move, but probably the right move to stick with what I'd assume was a pre-determined pitch count. 

    The game means nothing.


    Your team is going to be epic bad. There is a bright light. His pitch count is low. It isn’t the playoffs.You let the kid pitch.

    That is all there really is to this: a really awful decision.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Just now, Andtothewall said:

    Coming off short rest and not on pace to finish under 110 pitches, you could just as easily say they respected him by protecting his health. 

    70 pitches. 


    Awful awful awful decision. If you think otherwise than you just like to play contrarian and get people bent out of shape like Frobby & Corn. I doubt either of them actually think that, they just enjoy the reaction.

    • Confused 1
    • Downvote 2
  5. Just now, Andtothewall said:

    Really hate this kind of gatekeeping. When was it “really MLB?” At some point in between greenies and PEDs? Pre-Moneyball? Before the new-fangled home run?

    To me, it’s about respect. I am Italian, thi kinda stuff is no touch to me. He has a no-no going, we are going to be terrible & it isn’t the playoffs.... 

    Hess deserves the respect. Today he was disrespected. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Barnaby Graves said:

    I'd like to clarify, I'm actually not criticizing Hyde directly, and I don't think people should, because as is being pointed out on Twitter, he likely does not own this decision.

    He’s the manager...

  7. 5 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Severino has Sucre skills only 6 years younger.

    Great pick up and he has Natitude!:) I am shocked people don’t see potential in him. I’d definitely keep him! Definitely dont DFA him over a bunch of other lackluster pieces.

    • Haha 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    Unless the Elias can convince the Angelos sons to eat the remainder of the contract and DFA Davis.

    I know the Orioles are going to be bad, but there is no reason Davis should take up a spot on the 25 man roster if he doesn’t show any improvement by Memorial Day. 

    It sure would be nice to see them move on, a great sign of optimism that new leadership is truly in charge and they will let the GM do what is needed.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    Wow, that’s pretty much the end of the September call-up as we know it.    Buck always said the September expansion was ridiculous, even though he used it to his advantage very well.    

    Yeah-first thing I thought of was Buck being critical of September expansion. I would have made it 30 myself.

  10. 30 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

    Am I crazy or does it look like he decelerates during his swing? Just like a golfer flubbing a wedge. 

    I see no sense in keeping him around. I would explore sending him to AAA and see if he would accept (unlikely). Or have him give pitching a try(not joking). 

  11. 3 hours ago, MurphDogg said:

    Seems like a poor man's Joey Rickard to me. Although I agree he is more interesting than Eric Young, Jr.

    Not saying Young is great, but he can steal bases, get on base and is batting .350+. Plus our goal is to lose really so....maybe we can get everyone's fav David Lough and Travis Snider back:)

    • Haha 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    What I saw from Davis today was very concerning.    It’s one thing to go 0 for 3 with two strikeouts, but those were terrible at bats.    Particularly annoying to me was when the O’s had a runner on 3B, nobody out and Davis took a 1-1 pitch that was outside half, top of the strike zone — perfect sac fly material.   Strike 3 was a close pitch but strike 2 was the RBI opportunity.

    I’m trying as hard as I can to keep an open mind, but Davis looks as bad as last year or worse.   

    When contracts are guaranteed (even for illegal supplement use), you tend to run into these issues.

    Is there any chance at all he is cut sooner than later? 

    If not, they should see what he has a pitcher....and not kidding.

  13. 2 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

    I agree, Nunez is not a lock. Between Ruiz and Jackson/Martin/Villar, there are lot of options for filling the infield. Wilkerson too.

    Nunez is an old regime guy too. My gut tells me despite him having no options left, he is gone. They want defense first and he doesn't match that mantra. Just my .02. And as you recall, I was the one saying Nunez might have some promise unlike Drew Dosch (who is now out of baseball I may add....). But defense first in this regime IMO. He might be given a crack to improve since it really doesn't matter but that leash won't be a long one.

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