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About Anonsnides

  • Birthday 03/21/1880

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    Baltimore City
  • Favorite Current Oriole
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    Nick Markakis

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  1. <p><p><p>I'll take a step back and answer seriously (just this once): I've respond to you as I have because you apparently (truly, seriously) don't understand how ironic your messages are. That lack of understanding makes responding with anything resembling genuine, non-sarcastic (or non-disdainful) language completely unnecessary. As you kind of implied...I don't know you, don't have to work with you...Hell, I don't even have to worry about waving cordially in your direction when we pass one another on the street. I don't have to (nor do I want to) invest <em>any</em> energy in the cause of "making your day better (or even bearable)." If you're going to be so dense as to not see the hypocrisy inherent in your own statements/behavior, then...whatever, dude. That cookie offer's still on the table.</p></p></p>

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