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Beef Supreme

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Everything posted by Beef Supreme

  1. This is what I was thinking. Don't exacerbate it, especially on the turf.
  2. I don't want DJ anywhere on the field for the Orioles. When they drafted him, I said to myself, "Oh great -- another DH." I had no idea how right I was at the time. But that is the exact extent of his value. True, I would prefer Santander defensively to MC.
  3. Wow. Would love to see a photo of it with the original blue bottle atop it.
  4. If that were his only embarrassing, bumbling attempt, things would be different. But it is one of many that create a discernible pattern.
  5. One is a lifelong outfielder who trips over his own feet. Passable? -0.6 dWAR in part-time play so far this season... One is a rookie who has never in his life played outfield. Both suck, currently. One might improve. The other has no hope of improving.
  6. You would have enjoyed the job of "Photographer" for a local news affiliate's sports department. They spent more time taking upskirt videos of women in the crowd than of the game action they were recording for the newscast's sports highlights.
  7. because he didn't bellyflop like DJ might have? One play is not proof.
  8. Well, if you are saying their 2021 pick will only be five slots lower than who they think is BPA down from seven last year, then I guess you think they are moving in the right direction. :-).
  9. That's assuming Kjerstad was ranked the same on the Orioles' board as he was on Baseball Prospectus' board. We don't know whether he was #9 or #1.
  10. I have read that they were split on who the BPA was between Beckham and Posey. And that there were some in Tampa who thought Matusz was BPA.
  11. Or, you pick the BPA and he turns into Tim Beckham.
  12. I know you haven't been watching but Rays have a lefty starting...
  13. Can't blame him for not handling the tapper he had to try to barehand in hopes of making a forceout.
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