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Posts posted by Witchy_Chick

  1. After my Gram passed away, my family moved in with Pop to "take care" of him. (That old buzzard was perfectly capable of caring for himself.) As a "tween" and teen, I spent countless hours with Pop watching the O's on HTS. I remember Cal hitting for the cycle in Texas, and Pop explaining to me what "hitting for the cycle" meant. :)

    I became a bigtime O's fan after the "Why Not?" season. In '90 and '91, I had MANY random "I feel like going to the ballgame tonight" moments. I think I hit 30-35 games in '90, and probably 40 or so in '91.

    I camped out at Memorial Stadium for Final Weekend tickets and attended all three games of the Final Weekend. Despite the loss on Sunday, that final game was just magical. Flanny coming out to get the final outs.....I have no words. I was bawling like a baby during the Field of Dreams segment. Amazing.

    I became a 29-game season ticket holder at Camden Yards starting in 1992. Attended the "Open House" workout the Orioles hosted that Friday (?) before Opening Day. I remember stepping through the portal in one of the upper deck sections, seeing the entire ballpark, and quite simply - losing my breath for several seconds.

    I attended Cal's 2131 game at Camden Yards as a season ticket holder. Another magical moment. I was also in attendance for the Saturday night 2632 game. No one knew at the time that we were once again witnessing history that night.

    I attended playoff games at OPACY in '96 and '97. Was heartbroken when Davey.....ahem...."resigned" after winning MoY.

    In 2005 (I think?), I discovered the Hangout. In early 2006, I "met" my future husband via Hangout PM. We eventually met face-to-face, dated several months, got engaged, married, and now have two little Oriole fans we are raising. :D

    The life changes these past 4-5 years have minimized my participation in the Hangout and in following the Orioles. I did not renew my season tickets for the 2007 season. We (as a family) have been a few games here and there over the past five seasons, but nothing like my heyday of going to 20+ games a year.

    I will admit that I have not fully enjoyed this 2012 season. I spent a large part of it "waiting for the other shoe to drop." September 1st was it for me. I am fully "back on board" the bandwagon. :D

    Tonight, I'm attending my first playoff game in fifteen years. :boogie:

    • Upvote 2
  2. I've mentioned in other places, but I'm currently "cursed". I have a decent collection of Orioles gear, but can't wear any of it because when I do, they lose. And I'm not going to be the one to jinx things. (I'll let Witchy do that). So O's shirts for me for at least another few weeks... /grumble

    I look forward to purchasing some celebratory champagne this afternoon. :P

  3. We ended up staying in section 8, but back in the last row. The kiddos were losing steam by 8:30, so we rolled out. We saw weams and some other OH faithful out on Eutaw Street on our way out.

    Even though we weren't in the thick of things with the rest of you Section 8 HangerOuters, we had a great time. I'm reallllllly hoping the O's "BUCKle up" some ticket promos for the Blue Jays series. :D We'll get a babysitter and stay the whole game!!


  4. My three-year-old daughter's pure, unadulterated bliss at the sight of the rainbow that appeared between 7pm and 8pm in Eastern Baltimore County tonight.

    "It's almost pretty as Mommy and almost bigger than you, Daddy!"

    Emphasis on the 'almost' and those were her words, not mine.

    That's sweet!! I wonder what she would've thought of the double rainbow we had from our Catonsville perspective. (The outside 'bow was pretty faint, but discerrnible.) :D

    I was just leaving Cafe Hon/Hon Bar when that broke out and I got a few snaps of it with my camera phone.

    If I hadn't been extremely busy eating crabs on our deck, I would've gotten a pic. My hands were filthy with Old Bay, though, and the crabs were YUMMY. :002_sdrool:


  5. Dang Trace, your life is getting to be like Friends when they went all baby/marriages on us. Boooooooooooring! :D I can't wait until you are back and dranking (sic) with the boyz! :beerchug1::new_beer:

    Bob -- believe me, no one wants me to be drinking brews more than I want to be drinking brews. :D My brother and a friend came over last night, and we all went out to dinner. When they were leaving the house, my friend was on the porch and told me "This is a nice spot to sit out here and drink." No DUH -- I used to do that every summer. :(

    But, on a positive note -- my tolerance is going to be shot to hell. So, I'll be a very cheap date for my hubby. ;)


  6. Do you mean get up for an old person or an older person?

    I'll get up for a lady in her 60's. Or someone holding a baby. I'm not giving up my seat to a 35-year old guy though unless there is some sort of really extenuating circumstance.

    Does that include holding a baby currently in utero? Don't forget us prego ladies, Mack. ;)

    Which kinda reminds me -- very early on in my pregnancy, my coworker strongly encouraged me to use the "expectant mother/moms with small children" parking at some of our local grocery stores. I was like "WTF? I'm perfectly capable of walking a few extra feet from a 'normal' parking spot." (Caveat: on a disgustingly hot day like today, I might just use the "expectant mother/moms with small children" parking spot). ;)


  7. That was pretty much my thinking as well, but I think I may have read something that confirmed it. But I can't remember where and can't find it again, so I go with "I think."

    Alas, we are both wrong (the Interwebs are a wonderful thing).

    Former '80s sweetie Tiffany plays Mom, while the actor Adam Cagley, who looks like a mini-Loaf, steals the show as Junior (one Isaac Young ghost-sings his part).


    Tiffany?!?! I can't believe that is Tiffany!!! :rofl:


  8. The new "garlic" fries at OPACY. I was expecting garlic fries like from Red Robin (ya' know -- with actual garlic on them). Instead, I got regular ol' fries and a container of garlic salt. What an improvement. NOT. :rolleyes:

    Back to the tried and true Boardwalk Fries with some Old Bay and lots of vinegar. :002_sdrool:


  9. There was plenty of freaking out on my part earlier in the day. The doctor actually told my wife that 107 was the danger point as far as "must go to the ER". The fact that it goes down with the meds is comforting, even if it is just for the time being.

    Damn I'm good. I was reading your short rant to baroquen last night and said something like "106 is typically considered 'high fever' for a child."

    Make sure your little girl is getting plenty of fluids. Popsicles might help if she's not thirsty (kinda trick your kid into getting fluids). Good luck!!


    • Upvote 1
  10. Jesus, you're preggers already?

    Well ya' know, I'm old. Though the actual medical terminology is "advanced maternal age." :rolleyes:;) We don't really have a lot of time to wait.

    Rub some of that off on my wife. We can't seem to get it to take (couple early term miscarriages, apparentately).

    Sorry to hear about that. Any advice from her docs? How old is she (if she doesn't mind my asking)? And how many miscarriages (if you both don't mind me asking)?

    I'll be praying for you guys (I really want as many people as possible to experience this adventure). :D


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