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  1. This kind of comment isn’t what I came to this board for. Signing off.
  2. I think they have it in them.
  3. 2025 Is looking pretty ugly to me. man things changed fast didn’t they ?
  4. I see us getting swept in that final road trip for sure
  5. I hope Hyde doesn’t have the same hypnotic trance on the Orioles as Harbaugh does on the Ravens.
  6. I’d give Brandon Young a spin. WTH at this point But Elias isn’t going to cut him loose.
  7. He’s going to get a lot of work
  8. That blown 1st inning opportunity set the tone.
  9. I dunno, it’s Fenway and all that …
  10. Yeah, but our uninjured players all decided to suck simultaneously
  11. Chris Hoiles would be super proud!!
  12. Kimbrel time let him finish the game. That will prevent Hyde from even think about using him for the rest of the series in the unlikely event we have a lead to protect
  13. Burch has to be the first guy to go, since they apparently are married to Kimbrel
  14. I’m waiting for an intentional walk or two to start an inning
  15. Be careful , Mr Jagwar may call you out for being so negative.
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