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  1. He only put the bowl of Mikes candies with all the Ikes fished out as a test to make sure the team read through the entire 167 pages of demands.
  2. It's been reported as of yesterday that the Yankees want Crochet badly but are unwilling to trade Jones whose the number 74 pipeline prospect to get Crochet. I'm sure the White Sox GM would love to work with you on a trade instead of having to deal with a GM that values controllable elite prospects.
  3. He's 6 foot, he's taller than the number 2 and 6 all time home run leaders; What size does a second basemen need to be these days?????
  4. Dave Johnson was a league leader in home runs allowed one year so he has that accomplishment going for him. I remember cringing when i watched batters get visibly upset and slam the bat down when he stuck them out; like he was a high school pitcher they should crush every at bat.
  5. I caught the Jay Bilas interview as well and the funny quote (paraphrasing) he said Bill told him that Coach K was to Jay in his life as Wooden was to him, BUT Jay wasn't the same to Coach K as he was to John Wooden. Hilarious, comedic gold.
  6. He looks like a young Rick Dempsey
  7. How far south of 104 MPH is your fastball?
  8. Miller for Rodriguez trade got us 20 innings out of Andrew Miller and no world series win while the Red Sox got 14 WAR out of Rodriguez. Miller for Basallo is rolling the dice on what could turn out to be one of the worst trades in franchise history.
  9. LOL i actually did a double take on Calvary and thought it didn't look right but posted it anyway, probably because i got away with spelling Hays as Hayes on this same thread and no one called me out.
  10. My wife hates sports, inside edition is her source for world news and she would enjoy this thread. cut the dead weight and bring up the Norfolk Calvary, my 2 cents Qualifications: one of the faster dog walkers on the NCR Trail, above average lawn dart thrower before they banned the sport.
  11. The thread topic could be changed to: Tell us Your age without telling us your age
  12. Hes not wrong with the assessment that theirs 5 or 6 players at Norfolk right now that are better than 5 or 6 guys on the big league team. but l’m confused is he saying he plays the PBA bowling video game or he’s on the PBA tour? and whats that have to do with the Orioles roster?
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