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  1. Haha I like that analogy. Very clever.
  2. Like I said in another post. He is throwing darts at a dartboard and seeing what sticks. No plan. Just.....randomness. He makes some of the worst signings I have seen in MLB. Just brutal. And he seems to have an affinity for Dominican and Latin guys. Chris Ballard of the Colts, who I love even more than the Os as a team, started to do the same after a few years. Just signed all these random guys. He has not won a division title in 9 years. It is called "I have no idea what I am doing besides taking the top talent in the draft....other than that I am clueless. I really hope it works out". That is his "plan".
  3. The Mexican league runs very deep. Seek and you shall find. I just don't think Elias pool measuring stick is deep enough. That being said I have seen worse signings. Although why Elias has such a fascination with these types of players is a little befuddling. Segura isn't a New Kid on the Block. He is an Old Kid on the Block. Is there a team in MLB he hasn't played for yet? I would rather play the guys you actually drafted and played in the Os system for years. Not guys like this.
  4. All I meant was Cal's level of production and stardom. Nothing more.
  5. I am not an expert in that area. At all lol. Maybe when I was a kid, not now. Again, this is purely my own eye test with him. And again, I think he will be a very very good player. Probably have some All star appearances. Do I think he will be Cal Ripken? No. But I feel as if that is what many of you are expecting.
  6. I assume you are referring to me? I have always said JH will be a very good player. Just probably not superstar status as many believe. Nothing I have seen changes that for me. Really good player. Should get better. Not HoF level. Hope I am wrong. But I still would trade him for a controllable elite young starter no questions asked. And for those that say well than why didn't teams who had one of those pitchers make an offer for him this past trade deadline? Maybe because they see the same things I and some others do. He isn't worth a controllable elite young starter. And as the 1-1 pick in the draft? That says something. I did hear him and some other players added in for a pitcher of that caliber. Which also says a lot.
  7. Oh I understand that but I think the point that some others and myself are making is JH has played 2nd base many many times since he was a a player. High school. Minors. I am sure even when he was a kid. It was not some new position for him. And again, he was the 1-1 pick in the draft. I don't think it is asking too much for a player of his pedigree to play 2nd base at at least an average to even above average skill level. Not to mention I am not even talking about his fielding. I am talking about making a simple throw from the 2nd base area to first base on a routine grounder. Something he seems to have trouble doing cleanly. Any little leaguer can do that.
  8. Agree although I think I remember him having that really bad 4 strikeout game on SNB the day before All Star week as I recall. So he may have already hit his slump. I think as you said some people it can help, as in it really give them confidence going into the 2nd half. And others it probably makes worse. I don't ascribe to the "it change's your swing" narrative. I mean these guys in BP try to hit bombs on purpose every day and it doesn't change anything. I am a bigger believer in that the lack of rest and break from baseball for 4 days, and instead have to go through the hustle and bustle of the week, hurts much more.
  9. Could that have just been because he had just been called up though? Nerves? I don't think he would have any issues playing a solid 2nd base now. But with that arm, why waste it at 2nd. I actually think 3rd base seems like a natural position for him. Plus it would save a little wear and tear on his body.....which should help him hit better....longer.
  10. Yeah for playing 2nd I think is arm strength is adequate. At this point it is more about his timing on his throws (he always seems to wait to throw) and his accuracy. Fielding? He is ok. Average. Maybe a little below average right now.
  11. I would also add he is the 1-1 draft pick in his draft. Not the 642nd pick or a walk on. He should be able to field a position at an average or above average grade considering his draft position. I mean.....what are we even doing here??? But maybe I am asking too much in today's world.
  12. Yes I for sure think it is all mental with both GH and JH. They know how to throw a baseball to a standing target. But right now they are thinking too much instead of as the joker says....."just doing things". No plan. GH seems to be coming out of it. Lets hope JH gets better because this has seemed to be an issue with him dating back to last spring.
  13. No of course not. That is why I originally used that phrase. Because it is so iconic from that movie. I am saying in reference to AS I started the trend.
  14. Agree with all plus I will add this. People act that moving from SS to 2b is like a quarterback moving to linebacker. It is just SOOOOO difficult. It just isn't. I mean can we get a reality check here or is everyone so weak these days that a move from SS to 2b is considered a huge achievement? It is basically the same position other than a few responsibilities are different. But other than that? You still have to field the ball and make a throw-usually to first base. The throw is even shorter than the one from SS so it should be easier other than the angle you throw at. But cmon, these guys have been playing baseball since they were 4 or 5 years old. It is not rocket surgery. Watch the Trevor Bauer videos he makes and how smooth and effortless those Mexican infielders play their positions. Granted a lot of Latin and Hispanic players are known for their good D but still. Considering the amount of time that Holliday has played the infield-basically his whole life, there is just no reason he should be making the type of throws that we saw yesterday for example. Which every kid does 1000 x a week playing little league baseball or in that back yard.
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