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Everything posted by scOtt

  1. Well don't take my word for it. Like I said, I know nothing, I know nobody. But if I was a betting man, I'd bet Hyde is back at least until we're REALLY approaching contention. He and the young players, and he and Elias, seem to jive together real good for now. Whether or not ME thinks he's good enough to manage REAL contending teams is yet to be determined...
  2. YES! I know nothing, know NObody. Hyde will be back. Obvious to me.
  3. Mateo? In the batting order I mean. In the field would take some juggling...
  4. I'll take the pick. We're not ready yet, just like we weren't really ready in 2012, And that led to our downfall imo. Management thought we were a go and mortgaged any future we had...
  5. Look at the bright side. Every pathetic loss gets us closer to the #1 pick!
  6. Team speed ferchrissake! Ya get [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] little fleas on da [expletive deleted] bases, gettin' picked off, tryin' ta steal, gettin' thrown out, takin' runs away from ya. Ya get dem big [expletive deleted] dat can hit the [expletive deleted] ball out da ballpark and ya can't make any [expletive deleted] mistakes.
  7. There's a bunch of old MASN vids on youboob of Bobby teaching infielders ... stuff.
  8. Triple tag by Miggy at first. Props to Mateo for staying on the bag.
  9. 82 pitches. Harvey MIGHT come out to start the 6th...
  10. *sigh* Trey can't get to that one... 3-0 bad guys.
  11. GDammit! Seve just CATCH the f-ing ball!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. He is an enigma (wrapped in a conundrum... etc.) He can get hot at any time. Or cold...
  13. Means might sneak in. Not sure of anybody else...
  14. nah... They were all pretty much PERFECTLY placed. Right in the holes.
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