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Posts posted by nevadaO

  1. Unfortunately German has a perfect game against the A's through 7 innings right now. Watching and talking about it to anyone who will listen to try and jinx it...

  2. Mountcastle again whacking the ball almost lined into a triple play he hit it so hard. 

    108.5 on the exit velo gun.

    He's been better with his pitch selection tonight but has also taken some massive hacks and missed.

  3. Grayson's night is over. Really a great job and I think the automated strike zone tonight really helped him. 

    He was still missing really high out of the zone with some pitches when he was missing, but It wasn't often. 


  4. At the game tonight to watch Grayson on the bump and he has pitched well tonight.

    6 IP so far, 4 hits, 1 BB, 8K's. He's been aggressive and besides hitting their leadoff batter with the first pitch of the game has been very accurate in the zone and ahead in most counts.

    He gave up a mashed home run to CF but that's the only ER so far.

    Norby HR'd down the LF line and Mountcastle is hitting the ball hard so far, save for one groundout.


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