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Posts posted by JourneyFan

  1. M'kay, I realize you have a cold and that the sniffing comes with the territory; however, must you do it EVERY. 10. FREAKING. SECONDS??? And it's not even regular sniffing; it sounds like you're trying to suck your lungs up your throat. It's disgusting and simply annoying.

  2. I can support the pink wrist bands; the pink bats are a tad much. But, pink shoes, too? I respect the cause, and it's a terrible disease, but do they have to cram it down our throats? What, does the foundation get more money the pinker the players are? Does more pink mean you support Susan Komen more than someone who merely wears a single pink article of clothing?

  3. People completely oblivious to their surroundings. Uh, guys, I have no problem with you chatting, but don't stand in the damn doorway and block people who want to enter the room.

    Oh, even though you pushed the button for the elevator, it might not have come down just for you. How about waiting a few seconds to let the others off before walking right in?

  4. How do you like it? I got a 2010 Ford Escape in August, couldn't be happier. It was stolen from me in November, but my girlfriend and I recovered it (yes we are taking cases since opening up our own private detective firm).

    I love it so far. It rides exceptionally well, it's comfortable, and the SYNC system is out of this world. The gas mileage has been pretty good, too. Although, it's been an adjustment getting used to an SUV, something I've never driven before. Still, I'm glad I bought it, though I miss my Altima, as well - it was a hell of a car.

    Real easy way to lower your insurance when getting a new car is severely underestimating the mileage driven per year.

    That's what I did. Geico doesn't have to know I don't work from home two days a week anymore, which cuts 100 miles a week. I'm a damn good driver, too, with no blemishes on my record whatsoever, so I'm sure that helps.

  5. Got a new car - a 2011 Ford Escape. Now I won't have to worry about getting my oil changed next month since the Altima was due. Even better, my insurance actually went down. Not entirely sure how that happened, but I ain't complainin'.

  6. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with our "justice" system when a guy convicted of beating a 10-pound dog to death is sentenced to performing volunteer work at the SPCA. Why don't we just sentence rapists to work at a women's shelter while we're at it?

  7. Parents really need to start teaching their kids the concept of "inside voices", and then they need to be able to enforce it when necessary. There's no reason my head should a-splode from the high-pitched squealing behind me when all I want to do is pay for my stinkin' Cherry Coke Zero. Although, maybe that'll learn me not to go to Target since that's where crap like this usually happens.

  8. The flights I booked to and from Vegas for August are now a combined 80 bucks cheaper and the airline doesn't reimburse the difference. Argh!!!

  9. So my now ex told me she wanted to break up with me today through a text message and has since been upset at me and claiming I didn't care about the relationship because I didn't try to convince her otherwise.

    The thing is, this is probably the 4th time she's done this, so I'm tired of it, and it didn't seem like things were going to work out anyway, so why am I going to fight for it?

    Forget the "this is probably the 4th time she's done this" thing. Anyone who breaks up via text message is not worth the time. There are just some things for which, *gasp*, a face-to-face thing is more appropriate.

  10. In a world where quality customer service is a rarity, it's always refreshing to see a company that defies the standard. I bought some speakers from Crutchfield last week and today I received a genuine hand-written "thank you" postcard for my business. Just getting it was nice, but the fact that it was hand-written impressed the hell out of me.

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