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Posts posted by JourneyFan

  1. Personal calls are fine, but there are certain personal issues you shouldn't discuss when you're a loud-talker and are surrounded by co-workers.

  2. If you're going to take the day off then go ahead, but don't proceed to do part of your job and assign support tickets to me, and then use the day off thing as an excuse for why you can't do something.

  3. Freakin' Maryland taxes! I got a $1000 bonus at work, and taxes stripped out damn near 50% percent, leaving me with only $540. Man, I hate living here.

  4. I never ceases to amaze me how poorly ADULTS can treat things that don't belong to them. I walk into the men's room at work and there are paper towels all over the floor, yet the trash cans are less than half empty. I open the fridge, and there's a bunch of crap in there, a lot of which hasn't moved in weeks and is causing the damn thing to stink.

  5. Why the hell do TV stations have to run those "tests" during the day? Why not do it later at night, when fewer people are watching?

    Also, why the crap can't commercials have consistent volume levels?

  6. Hey Emerald Nuts, if you want to flavor your dry roasted almonds with onion and garlic, it is polite to say so on the label. I don't want to have to read the dang ingredients to figure out that your product is disgusting.

    Maybe at the last minute, during that special time of day when everyone falls asleep, (the late) Robert Goulet came by and messed with all of the stuff and ate the real labels. You have to consider these things before you rant about them.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Honda's 'Mr. Opportunity' commercial. I think I saw it more than a dozen times in just a couple hours' time over the weekend. Also, those Hyundai 'Duh' commercials are pissing me off even more, but that seems to be the norm with Hyundai TV spots.

  8. Your (not you're) point is moot (not mute). You're (not your) welcome!


    Intents and purposes, not intensive purposes.

    Just as soon, not just assume.

    And on that note, since it's been cropping up a lot lately:

    Should've. Could've. Would've. Contractions for should have, could have, would have. Not should of, could of, would of. No of. No soup for you.

    It's freakin' ridiculous how many people make elementary level mistakes like these. What's more, there are people twice my age (28) that make them. Education is very underrated...

  9. If I provide you with an address, try using one of the fifteen billion available websites that specialize in providing directions instead of asking me for them.

  10. If you don't want to remove the piece of gum from your mouth while talking to me, push it to the side with your tongue; I don't want to hear you trying to chew and talk at the same time.

  11. - People who proceed to walk right into the elevator as the doors open, acting as if no one needs to exit the elevator first.

    - Political correctness (we've really taken it to absurd levels)

    - People that stop at the top of an on-ramp and try to merge, despite the fact they have a decent sized merge lane.

    - Spelling shortcuts -- i.e. "ur", "r", "u", "b4", etc...

    - The MTV generation

    - People at work who hold a conversation right in the entrance of a room, making it difficult for other people to gain access to said room.

    - The "its" "it's" and "lose" "loose" confusions.

    - The pond scum who dislikes classic rock.

    - Guys who talk in the men's room. I'm there to do one thing, okay?

  12. 1) Some commercial for a car -- BWM, I think. The opening sequence shows a couple of kids opening presents and screaming like banshees. GAH!!!!


    Yes, I *abhor* that commercial. I appreciate what it's trying to accomplish, but I still find it VERY annoying. Perhaps it would have been better had they kept it shorter. The screaming just gets mind numbing after about 2 or 3 seconds.

  13. At least he doesn't try to talk to you while you're going to the can. That's the worst. I once had to tell a guy from the office that I'd catch up with him when I was done taking the Browns to the Super Bowl (the ONLY way they'll ever get there, by the way :D ).

    Man, I absolutely abhor bathroom talkers. I just want to go in, do my thing, and get out as quickly as possible. We can chat later, when there's not an echo, and I'm not in such an "awkward" position.

    While this didn't happen at work, it did happen in a public place. I was about 13, or so, at Sizzler (remember that place?) with the parents. I went to the restroom, went in a stall and "dropped the kids off." This guy in the next stall just started talking to me, saying things like, "They have good food here, don't they?" I finished quickly and got the hell out of dodge. That's probably what started my fear of public restrooms.

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