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Posts posted by BRobinsonfan

  1. On 6/30/2024 at 7:58 AM, Frobby said:

    I don't look at total saves in a vacuum.  19 out of 23 is about 83%.   That's not all-star performance.   Also, he had two other games where he entered with a save opportunity and had to be pulled from the game because he was doing poorly.   In one game Cano bailed him out, in the other Akin came in and gave up the tying run for the blown save, but it was really Kimbrel's fault.   

    The ERA, WHIP and K/9 are all very good, but Kimbrel has not been consistent.  Good to see him with back-to-back one-run saves, for sure.

    Felix Bautista had an 84.6% save rate in 2023. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

    He had bicep soreness, and he was out for much longer than expected. Then he pitched poorly in rehab games. I hope he can go 5 innings, but I'm not sure he's ready to pitch. This is going to be a test. Seattle isn't a good hitting team, but if Kremer cant command his pitches it could be a long night for the Orioles and an early exit for Kremer. What say you?

    I'm worried that your minor trepidation won't be sufficient to activate the Roy Firestone reverse jinx.  Now I know he's gonna get lit up. 😁  

  3. On 6/23/2024 at 9:03 PM, Malike said:

    So guys who have had TJS are all just waiting to get another? He had a shoulder issue last year but he's a big strong kid and he sure as hell doesn't look like he's about to break. If they throw him 200 IP then, sure, they can break him. You're acting like every guy who had TJS or missed time with an injury is a huge risk going forward and that's dumb.

    "In a 2014 study that followed 147 pitchers that underwent surgical repair for UCL injuries, 57% of the players returned to the disabled list because of injuries to the throwing arm (6)." https://centenoschultz.com/tommy-john-surgery-success-rate/#:~:text=play (5).-,Re-injuries,the throwing arm (6).

  4. 2 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

    With a leadoff walk and stolen base! Sure looked like he might blow another one. Fortunately the Rangers didn't bunt and Kimbrel got a popup. The leadoff man is incredibly important for Kimbrel in these one run games. I almost want to use Cano or someone else in the one run games. 

    I have no confidence in Cano in these situations. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    I made it clear throughout this thread that 5 losses is no big deal.  I said that many times.   I also made it very clear that the problem was the pitching.  So I am not sure what you are harping on about.

    And btw, the "Baltimore....we have a problem" line was taken from the Apollo 13 space mission and then the movie.  


    Thank you for explaining the origin of "Baltimore we have a problem."  So you say the movie was quoting from the actual Apollo 13 mission?  Wow.  🙄 

  6. 19 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    How many times can I say this?  

    I am not concerned about a 4 or 5 game losing streak in a vacuum.  EVERY team goes through that.   It is just part of the randomness of a 162 game schedule.  

    I am VERY concerned about a pitching staff that has been decimated by injuries going back to last fall, and the long term effects that has on the team for not only this year, but next as well.   

    IF this team had a 5 game losing streak and still had Felix and Bradish and Means and Wells etc?   Again while I dislike 5 game losing streaks for our beloved O's, it happens.  But combine these 5 games with a much more important LONGER TERM OUTLOOK CONCERNING THE STATE OF OUR PITCHING AND WHO WE HAVE TO REPLACE THOSE INJURED PLAYERS?

    It is very concerning. 

    Maybe if you'd titled the thread something other than "5 losses in a row... Baltimore we have a problem..." you might be more believable.  🤣

  7. On 6/25/2024 at 9:48 PM, OnlyOneOriole said:

    I do not write this post to sound ultra one way or the other.    In other words I am an not an extremist.  I am however a realist. 

    The facts are this.   The Os have lost 5 in a row and have lost 3 of their starting 5 pitchers.  Add on top of that their top middle reliever and maybe the best closer in baseball.  All since last August or so.

    The injuries have added up and added up.  And trust me Jackson Holliday is not coming to save the day. 

    IMO the Os need to trade at a minimum Jackson Holliday, Heston, and another decent prospect from AA. 

    All for pitching.  And by pitching I mean a Big time starter under control for at least 2 or 3 years and 1 if not 2 relievers.

    Because as the Os are situated now?  

    I will say it again, just like I said last YEAR.....when I was proven right. 

    The Os have no chance to win the ALCS, much less the WS, with the team they have.    NOW.

    Before the pitching injuries?  Yes. I would have said they can.  I mean I love Means.  I love Bradish.  I love FB.  All 3 are potential all stars.  And add in the other injuries?

    We are screwed unless we make trades. 

    I would start with signing Trevor Bauer.  He throws 97 and is hungry.  Go from there.

    Remember when the Texas Rangers lost 8 in a row last year (August 16 - 25) and went on to win the World Series?  

  8. 22 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    Do you have any idea how many players there were during that time from the minors and majors?  1000s and 1000s.  And how many were catchers?

    Your comparison is inconsequential mathematically.

    And I don't give a flying **** about any of those non pitchers or catchers.  What I do care about is the face he was #1 and #1.   Who now is 20 years old, has an elbow injury, could barely throw to first base when he was with the Os, and looked like a HS kid playing against major league players when at bat. 

    He has already lost a lot of value trade wise.  All I am saying is if the Os don't think he will every be anything special, which as the 1 and 1 you should be?

    You trade him. 


    Major and Minor Leaguers combined?  Approximately 5,750 per year.   

  9. 4 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    Do you know what the word exception means?

    Here I will help....


    a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule.

    Do you know the difference between a NONE Pitcher and a Nonpitcher?  

    • Haha 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    How many 20 year old infielders have you heard of that had to be shut down because of elbow soreness?


    It is pretty much unheard of. 

    Here's some guys claiming to be "Doctors" and "Scientist" who studied it using data from Major League Baseball's Health Injury Tracking System.  They found that from 2011 - 2014 there were 3,185 elbow injuries - 435 of which occurred in Major League players and 2755 in minor league players.  Of those those, 1,911 were non-pitcher position players.  But yeah, like you said.  It's pretty much unheard of - with the exception of those 1,911 players.  https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0363546517706964 

  11. On 6/14/2024 at 6:23 PM, Flash- bd said:

    What were your teenage years like? How are your kids doing these days, what fields are they masters of? Of your jobs which has been your favorite? Are you a Friends or a Seinfeld guy? How long is your list of lays? Tell us more, I'm anxious to know more about OnlyOneOriole and his adventures and Dos Equis commercial-worthy life. 

    Dude drank Zima's with Kato Kaelin... is there anything else we really need to know?  🤣

  12. On 6/14/2024 at 6:17 PM, Can_of_corn said:

    Basallo had an elbow issue I didn't hear you say anything about him.

    Of course I'm not 100% sure you know who Basallo is.

    Is Basallo one of those NONE Pitchers?   🤣

  13. If Darcy Esemonu were the only woman making the charges I would argue that he should be reinstated.  According to public reports she clearly was out to extort him.  But there were three other women, two of whom sought restraining orders against him, who came forward to accuse him of sexual assault.  None of them, to my knowledge, have filed a civil suit against him.  These charges extend back to his time as a minor league player in 2013 - 2014.  Bauer has been placed on administrative leave on 9 different occasions.   I think there's a reason he reason he remains a pariah.   https://www.truebluela.com/2022/3/11/22973493/trevor-bauer-administrative-leave-mlb-investigation


  14. 8 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    She literally video'd herself in his bed that morning with no marks on her whatsoever, and texted her friend that she was going to get $$$ from Bauer. 

    Not to mention, I am not into the whole weird sex stuff?  But lots of people are.   Including lots of major league baseball players I am sure.  As long as 2 consenting adults agree?  They can do whatever they want behind closed doors as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything.  


  15. 2 hours ago, Chromehill said:

    One of the goals of the rehab assignment is to build the pitcher back up.  Getting yanked after 39 pitches is a far cry from 80 pitches you would like to see before inserting him back in the rotation.  

    Throwing 39 pitches in a single inning... especially for a guy coming off an injury... seems excessive to me. 

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