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Everything posted by orioles119

  1. So, yeah - I got the flu shot. I work in a school. I still got sick for about a week in January - vaccines aren't 100%.
  2. Not sure it's political when this is exactly what he said. He gets paid either way so he doesn't have to experience this inconvenience.
  3. Haven't you heard? We all have it - that's why they including "asymptomatic" so normal life will never return.
  4. Dr. Doom? The one who said it was "inconvenient" to be unemployed? Take your pick...
  5. There you go with schools again. It's a bad analogy. Schools and baseball are NOT related.
  6. Careful everyone.. someone is bound to come along and tell us that baseball isn't important.
  7. I for one won't like it. George Orwell certainly was a prophet, wasn't he?
  8. Guayaquil is also a tourist destination... so that may be a contributing factor as well.
  9. So, maybe I should punch a hole into this... below is the weather for March in Quito, coming from weather.com...
  10. Hopefully restoring some of the civil liberties that were taken away for all of this.
  11. Something we can actually agree on. I believe this social distancing will fizzle out come May... people are going to get fed up with the practice. Call me selfish, but I want sports back in some capacity. I want to be able to go to the store and buy something without fear that it is not going to be there. I want to go to the theater again. I want to eat in a restaurant again. I'm sure this is something everyone wants. There will come a time when the public at large will tire of these measures. It's callous, but you have to think about the economy too. With so many people out of work through no fault of their own, it's going to be a struggle.
  12. There's the atomic we've come to know... I was wondering if someone else was posting for you recently.
  13. More testing of the treatments will be a benefit in the long run - whether it be the combination of Chloroquine and Z-pack or something else. Get the treatment out there and it will reduce quarantine times and make the virus manageable. Then work on the vaccine that could actually come in the fall. It is being fast-tracked more so than in the past. https://katu.com/news/coronavirus/fast-track-coronavirus-vaccination-request-to-go-to-fda-for-approval
  14. He was one of my favorite memories when I was able to go to Spring Training yearly from 2000 - 2005. ?
  15. I know it won't bother you as you are enlightened beyond comprehension, but perhaps some of us want baseball to return in some form so we can have a distraction from real life. Now all that has happened perhaps will re-evaluate their worth in terms of million dollar contracts, but don't look down on those who want some kind of normalcy to return.
  16. Yeah - I give it another month and this whole social distancing thing will become too much. Find a treatment, then a vaccine - it's not that hard of a concept. Although I should probably keep my mouth shut to upset the doom and gloom narrative. And I know snark is coming quickly after that last comment.
  17. It would be cool to do like Facebook live event as well once in a while to fill the void.
  18. Amen... is it so bad to want a distraction from all the morbidity from the experts and so-called experts?
  19. Another possibility is herd immunity as well... something that may be developing in Great Britain.
  20. Herd immunity is already happening in Britain.
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