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Everything posted by 86this

  1. Let's pile it on now!
  2. Ceddy, I hope you're past the hitting issues.
  3. Every other day so far in the month of June.
  4. MLB lists Fried, Schwellenbach and Lopez. Orioles are all TBA.
  5. Blue making up for the previous pitch.
  6. Nice one Adley, didn't need exit velocity on that one.
  7. Cedric must have an injury he's masking.
  8. C'mon Gunnar, need another 1/2 off of Papa John's pizza!
  9. It looks like he just entered the MLB Draft League with the Trenton Thunder on 5/31/24. Same league (not the same team) as Matthew Etzel was a part of last season when he was drafted by the Orioles. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/qrey-lott-812540?stats=career-r-hitting-milb
  10. Interesting. Forgot he was a draft and follow. I guess it depends on if he feels he can get more than the $225,000 by re-entering.
  11. This one is in the books! W
  12. Palmer does occasionally reminds the audience about not giving up a Grand Slam.
  13. Hibernate until football season.
  14. And KC likes to vote their entire team to an All-Star Game.
  15. Good call there NY replay center.
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