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The Rick

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Posts posted by The Rick

  1. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sInSN2_d6hc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Dear God I love me some Jack White. I've delved a lot more into the Led Zepplin catalog recently, and I have to say, Jack White reminds me of Robert Plant. What say you... am I crazy?

  2. Had it the other night. Very flat. Nothing special.

    Happy freaking V-Day. Decided to go drinking tonight. Good decision.

    While drinking this evening I did some thinking. Is it cool that I'm single and can do what I want or am I just doing something wrong? Maybe I'm too blunt, sarcastic, and picky. Maybe I should keep being that way because that's who I am. Eh, oh well. Time for bed.

    The thing with chicks is that unless they're totally worth it, they're not. There just isn't an in between. An in between is also referred to as settling, and is just temporary arrangement that either ends at a later date after valuable time wasted, or that you suffer through life with. Be patient my man. I'm in the same boat. I've embraced my singleness. It's got a lot of pro's. Until someone who is worth moving me off of that enters my life, I'm gravy.

    Additionally, I am also severely intoxicated and re-watching 24. I'm about 1/3rd through season 3.

  3. Britt is pretty vocal about her Detroit ties.


    This is all pretty simple, IMO. Royle is obnoxious and way too sensitive and unprofessional, as to where Britt is the epitome of professional and damn good at what she does.

    Britt shares her Detroit ties via the Twitter, sure, but her work proves she is passionate about doing the best job she can as a Baltimore beat reporter. She does a phenomenal job, and that is why she is never picked on.

    I think this whole female reporter issue is way over blown, although there are a loud few who probably are still biased as we sit here in 2011. Nothing we can do about those jackasses though.

  4. I don't believe Britt is from Baltimore is she?

    Rob, usually you are spot on but I can't agree with you on this. If she was male the attacks probably would be less and much different.......but she would still be attacked.

    She is what Frobby said.......completely oblivious to reality. The exchange on the last page illustrates this to a tee. She cares WAY too much what other people think of her....and she chooses every battle that crosses her path.

    Look at how Roch handles criticism by comparison.......he is professional and dismissive. Royle sinks to the level of the dbag, slings mud, and then whines when she gets hit. Or she sues them, drops the suit months later, and declares victory.

    No, Britt is from Michigan (Michigan State alumni, if i'm not mistaken).

  5. Inspired by the Radio Head Poll/Thread going on right now, I've been listening to Ok Computer and this song has been stuck in my head all day:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ebqcbn0ieKU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  6. I'm on my way... although it's just Miller Lite so who know's how long it will last. I'm tempering a beer now to get ready for a shot gun. Can't be shot gunning 'dem ice cold brews.

    I love that Columbus Day (and working at a Bank) has afforded me the opportunity to get hammer timed on a Sunday evening!

    Last Sunday I was at the Ravens/Jets game and didn't get home till 2:00 AM Monday. Needless to say, my Monday tomorrow will be much better than the last one was.

  7. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid1089.photobucket.com/albums/i359/dg11469/September 26 2011 - October 2 2011/mgmtfallon_Segment100-00-07-00-04-17.mp4"> Lucifer Sam

    LOVE MGMT - Did you see Foo play with Roger Waters on Monday? Fantastic stuff.

    Tonight on Fallon Pearl Jam covers Mother by The Floyd. Should be amazing.

  8. Pretty cool video of Jack White discussing Seven Nation Army with Billy Paige and The Edge and then the three of them playing it. Amazing to me that there is no bass guitar in that song.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8R8puk3kImA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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