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Lt Melmo

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Posts posted by Lt Melmo

  1. I went to buy laundry detergent today, and was trying to decide between the Purex super-concentrated stuff that lasts 24 loads, and the stuff that lasts 32 loads, which was a little bit more expensive.

    I was going to go for the 32 loads, then I looked more closely at the bottles. Both contained 50 fluid ounces of detergent. So I bought the 24 loads bottle.

    Someone explain this to me? How can you put the exact same amount of detergent in both bottles, yet claim one lasts longer and charge more for it? The measuring cup lids were the same size and everything. I don't get it.

    One of them was probably the SUPER-COMPACTED detergent or whatnot. Supposedly gets the same wash with less detergent. But I think it's a load of hooey!

  2. The new "garlic" fries at OPACY. I was expecting garlic fries like from Red Robin (ya' know -- with actual garlic on them). Instead, I got regular ol' fries and a container of garlic salt. What an improvement. NOT. :rolleyes:

    Back to the tried and true Boardwalk Fries with some Old Bay and lots of vinegar. :002_sdrool:


    Oh thank god! They used to have the garlic salt but it disappeared last season. I love that stuff.

  3. I do that with theatre, to distinguish it from like, movie theater.

    I believe this is perfectly allowed in American English, as "theater" isn't used to describe the abstract. But I could be wrong.

  4. I hate it when Americans spell words British-like. I understand that Mr. Webster changed them all quite arbitrarily, but words naturally evolve, and it's silly to think that sticking U's in places makes you seem like anything but a guy who's obviously trying to shout "HEY GUYS LOOK AT MY AWESOME SPELLINS'!"

  5. I didn't say he should have to.

    All I said is he could get a different number at no cost to make the problem stop.

    I also said that he should do what he wants.

    I have no knowledge or opinion about what he wants. Whatever it is, that's what he should do.

    What do you think he "should" do? Sue somebody? Or what? (Just curious.)

    I personally think he should send personal threats to MVA employees via bricks through window. Always worked for me.

  6. Depends on whether he views it as a matter-of-principle vs. a practical problem of how to make the wrong phone calls stop. Pick your battles, etc. As for which one he should do, I don't think there's a "should" to it, except that he "should" do whatever he wants.

    Come on, it's more than a matter of principle. Getting a new number is balls annoying. You have to tell everyone you know, and you have to get accustomed to it yourself. He shouldn't have to go through that for some BS.

  7. What was the first ad salesgenie (or whatever) had? I remember it being REALLY bad, but the panda one overshadowed it.

    The dancing lizards made me sick. It was so stupid and pointless... it made no sense. Why the hell are the lizards dancing to Thriller? With some girl? They were obviously going the Family Guy route and just cashing in on people going "HEY! IT'S THRILLER! I LOVE THRILLER! THIS COMMERCIAL ROCKS!"

  8. I've had a hard time explaining this to guys before, but there are times when a man actually inconveniences a woman (who he doesn't know from Eve) in order to make a show of opening a door for her, then stands there, still blocking her way, expecting to be thanked for running in front of her and interfering with her path to wherever she was going, and calls her a "female dog" if she fails to be passionately grateful for his display. I have no obligation to thank people who intentionally interfere with my freedom of movement in order to make themselves feel chivalrous.

    I can relate... and I'm a dude. I hate it whenever I'm about to cross a crosswalk (there are a million at UM) and cars stop for me way before they have to. Like, I'm not even at the crosswalk yet. And they could just keep going the same speed and they wouldn't come even remotely close to hitting me. It doesn't get in my way or anything, but it's just irrational. It makes me feel guilty cause someone's going out of their way when they don't have to and they're ONLY doing it as a sign of kindness, which means I have to guiltily wave to them in thanks and draw attention to the fact that they're doing so much for me. Just keep driving!

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  9. Oh god, the worst of all: Lipozene. The whole pitch is this: Don't exercise, and keep on eating Whoppers with a side of Famous Bowl for every meal; just take this pill, and lose weight.

    OK, I'm not even gonna evaluate whether their claim (massive weight loss solely from a pill) is even true. Maybe it is. But if so...is that something you really want to put in your body? Cocaine and Speed are good weight-loss supplements, too.

    Let's put it this way: If you're eating 5,000 calories per day and not exercising, but somehow taking a pill causes you to lose weight, I'm gonna go ahead and say that that pill is doing some HORRIBLE stuff to your body.

    What's worse, to me, is the subtext of the ad: that your average American's sedentary lifestyle and corn-based diet is totally healthy, and that weight loss is an entirely aesthetic concern - certainly not something that's worth (gasp) changing your lifestyle for!

    There, there, fat Americans. We know you're too busy - what with spending three hours of your day in traffic, the exorbitant amount of time it takes to buy fruits and vegetables at a grocery store once a week, all those great shows like According To Jim that they've been showin' on the TeeVee - to take into account wussy bullcrap like the health of you and your spawn. Just take this pill and you'll be the skinniest guy or gal down at the local Arby's! Bask in the glow of attention you'll receive when Bobby, Bubba and Bertha wonder what happened to your beer belly! Tell them!

    You haven't slept in weeks, your skin is turning green, and you routinely poop blood...but at least you're not fat. Fat people are friggin' losers. Almost as bad as those damn commie vegetarians.

    Oh man, this is the BEST PART about Lipozene. Watch the commercial closely. All the woman says is something like 78% OF THE WEIGHT LOST IS PURE. BODY. FAT. They give you a percentage. Never an actual weight! And whaddya know, at the bottom of the screen in fine print: "Average weight loss reported: 3-4 lbs."

    That's just hilarious to me.

  10. Yikes! Hair in your throat? Just how close are you and your pets? :D

    I don't know how it got there. I think I was taking a pill. I have long hair.


  11. The Wendy's commericals have been creeping me out lately. A guy in a pippi longstocking wig yelling is not the best way to convince me to eat a square inferior (but never frozen) burger.

    The worst thing is when ad agencies bring forth a bad premise and just never give up on it. There's no way they're actually getting focus groups to like that crap. But it's so sad to see them constantly developing these commercials to the point where "guy wearing the Wendy's hair" isn't supposed to be weird anymore, we're supposed to be used to it and go "Oh hey! It's that wonderful Wendy's ad campaign! I can't wait to see where this one goes!"

    Also guilty of this is that gum company that had the commercials about the factory shutting down because the flavor lasts too long. That was actually pretty good at first. But then for some reason they made this completely meta commercial where, for no reason, everything starts over and the one guy keeps commenting on how it's deja vu? What the hell does that have to do with anything? How does that add to the campaign? Did they run out of ideas?

    And ALSO guilty are any Taco Bell commercials. Remember "WHAT TIME IS IT?" What the hell??

  12. This is College Park! Why is everyone a Sox fan all of a sudden?

    Can anyone else who goes here give me an amen? I don't see O's hats. I don't see Nats hats. I don't even see Yankees hats anymore... I ONLY see Sox hats. Everyone on my floor seems to be a Sox fan. EVERYONE on campus seems to be a Sox fan.

    The Sox are officially more Yankee than the Yankees.

  13. and I'm pretty sure this bmo24 xhRCTER IS A FLIZZY. tgher, I said it, take youer blaall and go home. I;m watching the classic sities C collection inofmercial on TV. I got calbe installed for me today. groovin with the young rascals and all the leaves are brown and the skty is grey with the masmams nad the papaps.

    I love the Masmams and the Papaps! Especially their hip tunes, "Cafclicornfa Dreaemmem" and "Momdag Momdag."

  14. Considering how much I am paying for college, the least they could do is get air conditioning in the freaking dorms when it is 90 degrees outside!

    And CVS needs to stay open past 11:00!

    Haha. I have three fans running in this room and I'm still sweaty.

    I've been praying for rain for two weeks, just so I can have one day without this muggy, sticky, humid heat.

  15. Coors beer commercials.

    Your damn Silver Bullet Train with that old Motown song are god awful, no one cares that your beer labels turn blue and no one cares about the Rocky Mountain taste or whatever. Just cause you're showing me some lumberjack type walking through a scenic view in the woods and sitting down at a bar doesn't make me want to drink your pee in a bottle that you try to pass off as beer.

    And no, it's not the most refreshing beer around. And no, just cause you ice brew it or whatever doesn't make it suck less.

    Only good thing about Coors is that it was in Smokey and the Bandit. THATS IT!

    Ugh! I hate those commercials for ruining a wonderful O'Jays song! One that is most definitely not about Coors beer...

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