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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Well tell it to the dolts in our lineup who gave Gausman a 6 pitch inning last inning.
  2. Feels like being down 10 the way the offense is lately and with Baumann on the hill.
  3. Watching Baumann is like watching a guy ona high wire without a net. Same kind of anxiety. Shut up Melanie. “He’s limited righties to .286!!”
  4. Lucky with the DP. Too many hard hit balls. If he lasts to the 5th this is a miracle. GUNNAR TIME
  5. Gurriel is a guy I hate irrationally. Both of them. Baumann was a mistake.
  6. Man 18 innings of looking at Lisa Kerney’s collagen filled face and The Struts promos I better start drinking.
  7. Suck it you greasy haired overrated LSU 1st round bust. YEAH I SAID IT WHAT
  8. Hey Kevin Brown, Guerrero wasn't the MVP a year ago. Stop with the Star Wars references and get it together.
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