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Moose Milligan

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Posts posted by Moose Milligan

  1. 6 minutes ago, O's84 said:

    7.32, 7.03, 5.56, 7.56.  Those are the ERAs of the 4 O's pitcher's that pitched tonight (5/23/18).  And of course until recently we had a pitcher who pitched for us with an even worse ERA (10.46 by Tillman!).  Truly  pathetic.

    The second one is my area code.


  2. Theo beat two of baseball's biggest curses and droughts in his career.  He kind of walks on water.

    But I feel like he wouldn't even want to tangle with Angelos.  Angelos would be the Kryptonite to Theo's Superman.  

    • Like 1
  3. I'm starting this thread because...random thoughts can be fun.  And I feel that we're posting a lot of the same stuff all day, every day.  Buck sucks, DD sucks, we're afraid of Brady and his power, Davis and his contract are terrible, the defense is bad, the pitching is bad, we need to trade Manny,  Manny is better at 3rd, the Orioles are dumb for not scouting in South America, we need to rebuild, we need to call up prospects...I mean, that's like every post for the past 2 months.

    So this thread is designed for you guys to just say what comes to mind that might not be worth starting a thread for.  But since it's in the Orioles Talk section, it's gotta be Orioles related.  So if your daily thoughts about the Orioles include wondering what Nate Snell is up to or how Anthony Telford blew you off for an autograph in '91, post it here.  

    Screw you, Telford.

    Anyway, my random thought for this evening came in the form of Jack Cust.  Yes, Jack Cust who was going to be someone who we were supposed to build around.  He had Ruthian power, he was going to be amazing, he was going to hit flyballs off the Warehouse with the flick of his wrist and ease our pain.  Jack.  Cust.

    I thought about Jack Cust today because I work with a buddy of mine that has a passing interest in baseball and who likes to give me a good natured ribbing about how bad the Orioles are.  I get riled up, drop a lot of f-bombs, rant about how bad they are, he laughs, it's a good time.  He was asking me about what happened last night and I was telling him and then he goes, "Oh! I was watching this video on YouTube today about the 10 worst sports efforts ever! And there was an Oriole on it!"

    No, it wasn't Cust.  It was actually Adam Jones.  But it wasn't Adam Jones' effort that was in question.  It was when Jones hit a ball deep against the Nats and Nyjer Morgan went back and tried to make a leaping catch at the wall.  The ball hit off his glove, fell down in play and Morgan slammed his glove on the ground and was pitching a hissy fit when the Nats left fielder came over to get the ball and throw it in.  Meanwhile, Adam Jones hustled around the bases for an inside the park home run.  I'd actually forgotten all about it.   

    It's the first play in this video:  



    But why Jack Cust?  Because when my friend said there was an Oriole in that video compilation, I immediately thought of this.  It's something in the bowels of my memory that I try to forget and beat it back down when it comes to the surface.  And like a bad fart, if I smell it...well, you have to smell it, too.

    It also occurred to me that there is now a generation of younger Orioles fans who do not know who Jack Cust was.  I am not sure if any post on here, but this was 15 years ago.  Anyway, Jack Cust should have been included in the video above.  



    Anyway, your random Orioles thoughts.  Let's have some fun.  

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  4. 34 minutes ago, Rene88 said:

    From TJ Quinn of ESPN:

    IMPORTANT ON CANO: players are NOT automatically suspended for using diuretics. The suspension means MLB was able to prove he was using it to mask a drug. Cano tested positive before the season, appealed and dropped the appeal.

    That's good information to know.  Felt that this could have been unduly harsh.  So they must have found evidence that he was using a PED and this as a masking agent.  

  5. Also, the title to this thread is misleading AF.  I thought there was some fallout with a Davis announcement to quickly follow.  C'mon @Rene88 I know you want people to check out your thread but there's no reason to think Davis is using.  (quite the contrary, actually).

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

    I have to say, we get on Peter about staying away from international markets, but how many times have we heard "my licensed doctor in the Domincan gave it to me"? Either Cano is a cheater or he is extremely stupid for trusting his career to shady people. Either way he deserves the suspension.

    I'd take Cano, shady Dominican doctors and an 80 game suspension all day every day over the Orioles ass backwards approach to stocking a farm system.  

    Speaking strictly for myself here, I long ago stopped looking at athletes as a moral compass and examples of making right decisions and staying in the lines.  I assume that most of them are cheaters, knowingly or unknowingly.  As a result, I have little to no expectations from them and it doesn't phase me one bit when this stuff happens.   

  7. Davis needs to do it.  Sheesh.  

    3 minutes ago, Rene88 said:

    I think most do it. The fans that think Bonds, Clemens and Palmeiro were just isolated cheaters are morons. 

    I don't think any fan thinks Bonds, Clemens, Raffy were isolated incidents.  Certainly Bonds and Clemens probably gained the most from doing it but I don't think anyone thinks it was isolated.

  8. I'm pissed that they haven't made an effort to keep him.   IIRC, no talk of a new contract or an extension or anything.

    I do have a sneaking feeling that they hold onto him all year and try to make an offer in FA.  With all the money coming off the books they might be able to afford him.  That is such a terrible, terrible idea though.  Chances are slim that they can offer what another team can and I don't think Manny would give a hometown discount.

    Sucks to see the Orioles get a guy like this a top 5 or top 10 player in the game and just piss all over themselves when it comes to keeping him.  

    Oh well.  Truly enjoying this season, it's great to see him hit like this.  Looks like he's more comfortable in the field, too.

  9. Joey showed up and showed out yesterday.  First one I didn't think was going to get out but the 2nd one was a shot.

    I think we all know who he is at this point but if he can become a valuable 4th outfielder for us that'd be great.  

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  10. On 4/19/2018 at 1:20 PM, DrungoHazewood said:

    Prior to this year Ryan Flaherty had appeared in six major league seasons.  His batting average every single year was between .202 and .224.  His OBP was between .258 and .302.  His slugging .318 to .390, except last year when it was .237.  He's a very consistent player.  He just can't hit.

    If he becomes a serviceable everyday player at 31 it'll be frankly amazing.


    1 hour ago, Natty said:

    Couldn't help but notice Flaherty is leading the NL in batting, .362. 

    Whatever, Drungo. 

    Flaherty has the most improbably season ever, slashing .362/.490/.550. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Enjoy Terror said:

    Our old pal Brandon Snyder, 1st round pick from 13 years ago (!!) getting another call up for the Rays.

    Took pitching lessons from Brandon's dad, Brian back in the mid to late 90s in Northern VA while I was still in high school.  Nicest guy ever.  Brian had a stint in 85 with the Mariners and a cup of coffee with the 89 Athletics.  Haven't seen him in years but working with him at his academy was one of my fondest memories growing up and playing baseball.

    Always rooting for Brandon cause I know how much it means to his dad.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Just now, Tony-OH said:

    I was told he hadn't even pitched since the end of March so that's why he was limited to just 2 IP and 34 pitches. I get them wanting to bring him along slowly and I get they need to monitor his innings and keep him around 100 this year, but I just think they are more worried about trying to use him this year in Baltimore instead of focusing on his long term development and that concerns me.

    There's no reason to push him to Baltimore this year when there's obviously nothing on the line.  

    Damn, it's hard to believe he's 23 already.  

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  13. 35 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I think it matters up to them being say a year in the league.  No one cares that Joey Votto was a second round pick or that Max Scherzer was chosen in the 11th round.

    Once you establish that you can or can't play draft status is done.

    Not really, Mancini's first full year was last year.  There was a decent amount of speculation heading into this year if he was a mirage or if he could maintain or maybe even better.  That is due to the lack of draft status and hype.  

  14. 13 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I don’t think draft status matters much to fans.    The pundits seem to be the ones who have trouble getting past it.    

    Mancini’s a solid hitter, without question.    The main issue is whether he can take it to a level beyond last year.     I agree he’s looked good so far this year and that his stats don’t reflect how hard he’s hit the ball.

    Eh, I think it matters.  Hype matters to fans, which comes from the pundits.  I mean, fans are excited about Acuna and that comes from reading the hype train.

  15. People have been sleeping on him.  I've said it often, draft status and everything plays a huge part in how people perceive guys.  Trey was an 8th round pick.  

    If this production he had last year was coming out of a 1st round pick, we'd be collectively crapping our pants.  But guys from later rounds don't get taken as seriously because the lofty draft status and the pedigree isn't there.   

    I would agree that outside of Manny, he's our best hitter.  On some nights, he's the only one worth watching.

  16. Fun article.  Yes, too many relievers, impossible to keep track of them all.  Bleier tops the list.

    If you have a second, watch Makita's video.  Dude throws slow, slower and slowerer.




    1. Dick Bleier is your new favorite reliever.

    33513.png&w=65&h=90&scale=crop&backgrounTechnically, he goes by Richard, but he's so dead ball era that it's impossible not to call him by a dead ball first name. Dick Bleier, an Oriole, a left-hander, with an 89 mph sinker, struck out 26 batters in an entire major league season last year -- last year, 2017, when the league set yet another strikeout record. He pitched 63 innings and stuck out as many batters as A.J. Minter (remember him? From right up there?) did after his Aug. 23 call-up. That's 3.7 K/9, which would have been the league average in 1949, when the minimum wage was 40 cents an hour and the population of Las Vegas was 24,000.

    In any season there's bound to be some pitcher who can't strike anybody out, but Bleier is actually really good. He had a 1.99 ERA last year (and 1.96 the year before), and after six outings he's at 1.04 this year. Wait, this fun fact has potential: OK, Bleier has -- yes! -- the best ERA+ in major league history, minimum 95 innings! (He has thrown 95 innings.)

    Look, I'm a realist: It will take me seven years of this to believe Richard Bleier is good. But I'm also a cynic, and it will only take me 95 innings to believe there's something wrong with all of Major League Baseball for failing to see Richard Bleier is obviously good and everybody just missed it. That's why I like watching Richard Bleier. That's why I like relievers: They can mean almost anything you want them to mean.


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