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Posts posted by HoodGuy007

  1. I find out today if I get to keep my job, my pay, a promotion, a demotion, or whatever. I already popped two Xanax today and I'm really freaking stressed out. I think I might need to get a cab to take me to work.


  2. You should have responded: "Aren't you a little too old to be working the register at a retail place?"

    Then again, he could have been trying to make small talk, while supporting his family as opposed to sitting at home collecting unemployment. You know, whatever. :rolleyes:

  3. We got audited a couple years ago. It was a pain to get stuff ready, but the IRS guy was a decent person. Ours was more complicated because of the business. He said the way were doing things was reasonable. He found a couple little places where we weren't quite doing things exactly right, but he said it was understandable given the way the instructions were worded. It mainly involved moving a couple things from one place to another, and everything turned out the same in the end. While I'm not an IRS fan (nobody is), it left me with a more positive impression than I had had before. While it was a big annoyance, the IRS guy was completely fair and not a jerk. (Of course, we weren't up to any big tax-shenanigans either.)

    Really it's all over $168. It's more of an issue of pride and annoyance than an issue of payment. I know I did my taxes properly, and it irritates me that because the state of MD is too lazy to find my W-2s from four years ago that I have to pay for it.

  4. Getting audited for a tax return from four freaking years ago!

    I can barely remember who I work for now, how am I supposed to remember who I worked for back then?! Off to the IRS office to get my old W-2s. Damn it.

  5. I dropped and broke my favorite coffee mug today. :(

    It was my dad's coffee mug, and after he died (when I was in HS) I started getting up early to read the newspaper with my mom. I took the mug with me when I went away to college, and when I moved into this apartment. Oh, well. I'm going to superglue it back together, but I can't drink out of it anymore. :(:(:mad:

    Dude, that sucks hardcore. I'm sorry to read that.

  6. This guy is now clearing his throat about every minute. He's always done it, so he's not sick. It seems to be an unconscious habit. But now he's doing it about every minute. He really needs to die.


    Does he eat a lot of dairy based products? Pizza, cheeseburgers, anything of that nature?

  7. Genesis.....rocks.

    Enuf said.

    I just gave a customer a demo on a Phil Collins DVD. We both purchased the sound system and the DVD with a sense of urgency; I am now told by my boss that I make way too much money. C'est la vie.

    Definitive Technology --- 7002 ST fronts x 2, 2200 CLR center, PM 1000 rears x 2, and a Pioneer Elite 92 amp, coupled with a Super Cube III. I love the employee discount! :)

  8. It makes me red in the face when somebody that has an equal job title starts to walk around and act as if they are your boss. It really gets under my nerves when the e-mails pour in telling me what to do for today and totally bypassing the superior in charge.

    I mean he's been here 4 months and I trained him!

    There with you. I've got this one girl who is the current golden child of our store... it seems that every person I train gets this title, and then fades because my supervisor then tries to train them, and ends up teaching them how to spread drama.

    So f'ing annoying.

  9. If I was just promoted to being your supervisor, and I ask you to stay in a department, there is more-likely-than-not a good reason I asked you to do that... like, another supervisor has no coverage and you know the department.

    Don't spout off with some jackass-like response. You want to be a supervisor yourself, yet you continually choose to prove that you and a donkey are connected on the evolutionary chain, and now I have to write you up for it!

    And most importantly...


    I'm really not a hard person to work with. I expect a lot, but I give a ton of leeway. Total insubordination is not cool at all.

  10. That's all I'm trying to say.

    I, personally, am not offended by anyone wishing me a happy anything. And nor should anyone else.

    What I got from the OP, though, was an aggressive pushing of Christmas, regardless of whether the person celebrates that holiday. ("When somebody on the clock "H-H's" me and I "Merry Christmas" them right back, I hate to see that look in their eyes that often says "I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas, but if my boss hears me I'll get fired")

    Which is why I asked how far he actually takes that principle - e.g. saying "Merry Christmas" to someone who obviously is not Christian. Isn't that a wee-bit arrogant? If someone doesn't want to be wished Merry Christmas, and you make a point of doing it anyway, are you really spreading holiday cheer anymore?

    BTW...Merry Christmas, Scottie. I have it on good information that you celebrate said holiday. :D

    For customers who I say Happy Holidays to, because I choose to say that, who become offended, I then become offensive and tell them to tak an f'ing compliment and not make it about them.

    The fact that I wish you several holidays to be good does not mean I want to end the upstanding Christian morals of Christmas. It means I want you to have a safe and happy Chrisma-Hanna-Kwan-New-Boxing Day. If you don't like that, deal with it.

    This post is not directed at you Rollie, bt dubs. And I hope everyone has a great holiday season! :)

  11. Holy crap, this was on page two of the forum. Thats not good. What is good is the fact that Rachel Ray has stupendous everythings. And I may have had about four drinks too many and my gf will be pissed when she reads this.




    Whatever. She'll deal. But this thread must stay alive! I propose a new years Baltimore drink a thon. Lets do it.

  12. He's right except for maybe the last paragraph. There's definitely cutthroat competition but I don't think most faculty and administrators would say they're benefitting from it with higher salaries and better perks. Students would definitely not say they are getting better services.

    But the stuff about student aid and research subsidies is true. It's probably not the entire reason, but it's a big one.

    Off the top of my head, there are two other reasons I can think of. One is the incentive for colleges to compile huge endowments, because some of the rankings systems take endowment into consideration. So now you have schools out there with billion dollar endowments. BILLION. I understand having that rainy day fund in case maybe you want to buy some land to expand, maybe you get sued, whatever, but a billion dollars? What school needs a billion dollars? The other one is public universities. They're supposed to be the cheaper option for people who live in the state, and they usually are, but the tuitions keep going up because state governments don't have endless piles of money and they also don't want their flagship school to be a joke. And the tuitions for out of state kids go up even more to subsidize the in state kids. Private universities see that, and thinking that they can and should raise their tuitions, they do.

    And... welcome to Hood College... where we spend over one million bucks to make the motto "It's a great place to be smart!"

    Gag me with all the cash I now pay them (over $32,000 a year now)

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