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Posts posted by HoodGuy007

  1. It's things like road rage that made me into the nearly fanatical proponent of public transit I am today. Our car-based culture makes us lazier, stupider, more stressed-out and generally unhealthier. I'm as guilty of road-raging as anyone.

    You know what causes it? It's simple. In a car, you can act towards another human being in ways you wouldn't have the balls to do in person. You ever see people run into each other while walking? Not often. And if you do, do they start cussing each other out to each other's faces? Not bloody likely. If you're in a car, you can basically say what you want and just drive away. Back in reality, you'd provoke a fistfight like that.

    In some ways, you can say the same thing about the Internet vs. in-person conversations, but I think it's different.

    In a sad, funny, and weird sidenote, I used to be a huge fan of Dane Cook. I once flipped someone the SuFi as he cut me off and he flipped it right back. Oddly, I was no longer angry... I just felt like I could no longer like Dane Cook.

  2. On Thanksgiving morning, at 2 a.m., taking a couch down a set of steps at work and having the kid on the other end drop it because he was "too tired" and having said couch push me down six steps and pin me against a couter, all the while slamming my face into it and nearly breaking my nose be makin' me mad!

  3. Seeing kids you went to highschool with in the obits. It's been happening way too much for me, and while this is not much of a rant, it just makes me sad to see people who fought so hard for so long dead before they really had a chance to make their mark on the world... RIP Tyler. :(

  4. There are some personal calls that are fine to make at work, but there are those that should really be made in privacy. Learn the location of the line that separates them; I don't need to hear your little arguments with the spouse, nor do I need to hear about why your kids are being morons.

    Oh yes you do ;)

  5. I once had an 8 AM Logic final in December. The doors to the building were locked. We had to stand outside and wait about 25 minutes to get in. By the time we started my hands were so frozen I could hardly hold my pencil.

    I had a Formal Political Theory final where the professor showed up about a half hour late. He was definitely the strangest professor I had in my four years at Maryland. The class just about mutinied on him when we spent the first 3 classes discussing a mathematical expression. Most of the final was on material we never discussed in class. I walked out of there just dumbfounded. He gave me an A.

    I had a professor who actually told me he did not like me because of my "right-leaning" views. By right-leaning views, he meant that I did not believe the government was out to get us (He was seriously a 9/11 Truther).

    He specifically gave every student in the class a different exam, and then explained that because I got a 100% on my final I had to copy from someone. I went through a six month review of my academic record and was almost kicked out of college for no reason.

    The end all was when I found the paper on which he wrote he did not like my views. :) He no longer is a professor at Hood College, needless to say.

  6. I love that when I wake my son up in the morning, his first action of the day is always a giant smile.

    That brightened up my day, because every morning my sister calls me to make sure I'm up, and if I'm not she tells me my cat will make me get up by pouncing me. :) Kids are awesome.

  7. I loves me some Jewish girls.


    Hell, Rollie, I'd be the first in line to take a swing at her, but I hate her show. It just stopped being funny about two sentences into the first episode.

  8. When will the plague on this earth known as "Sarah Silverman" be gone? I can't stand her since she started her show. I used to be a big fan... not so anymore.

  9. OK, I have to confess, I didn't even know who the silver surfer was until I just googled it, so I guess I have no real claim on being a dork at all, do I? ;) :002_scool:

    And I accept being the biggest dork. ;):D

  10. What the cops did was incredibly messed up, but it seems like in this case the kid was looking for his 15 minutes of fame and got it. There are plenty of examples out there of gross overreactions by law enforcement though, and they tend to happen disproportionately to those who either look very different from the typical police officer or espouse very different political views. Too bad there's such a loud minority of cops out there who don't understand that it's their job to protect the constitution.

    And as for my own trivial rant, I HATE WATCHING THE O"S TANK A GAME IN A BAR FULL OF YANKEE FANS! I'm going to have to invest in cable tv at home just so I don't have to watch O's-Yanks games in public or in the company of Yankee loving friends with cable. I'm not talking about losing, I'm not talking about bad pitching. Those things are unfortunate and a bit embarassing but not humiliating. When two games in a row Ramon Hernandez simply cannot be bothered to get himself in position for a play at the plate and Dave Trembley refuses to discipline him for his poor effort, that is humiliating. I'm really starting to wonder how much more of this team I can take. Bad personnel decisions, fine. Don't blame the guys on the field. But when some of the O's players are less aggressive than girls who get dragged to co-ed beer league softball by their boyfriends just so the team has enough girls, that is really hard to watch. Yeah once again there I go with a long rant. :002_smad:

    The fact that you just brought up how the Orioles resemble a co-ed softball team makes me happy. On the way to drunkeness... thanks for the fast ride Baltimore Orioles. I actually now blame all of the worlds problems on Ramon Hernandez.

    Miguel Tejada is actually a servant to him.

    Kind of like the Silver Surfer.

    God I'm a dork.

  11. U of F police arresting a kid and tasering him because he asked a question after his time was up, and then telling him he was being charged with intention to incite a riot, and then changing the charge. The only way a riot was going to be started was if he was attacked brutally, which he was.

    Not to change this to a political thread, because that is not my intention, but the day that we as individuals do not have the right to ask questions, no matter how inane and stupid, of our elected leaders is a sad day.

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  12. On the plus side, I made friends with a cute bartender and made her promise that she'd put the Ravens on TV every Sunday.

    On the minus side, I'm really drunk right about now. So really, the pluses far outweight the minuses.

    I just got my buttocks kicked in Madden. I accept that, because now I get to drink on a date with her.... :)

  13. So, in my drunkeness this evening, i have chosen to be a sad drunk. Just talked to my gf in florida (freakijn disney sucks), and now i get to listen to the cranberries sog "lingefr" which makes me think about click, which makes me think about how much i miss her and my family.

    If you read this, miss ya hun. You b my favoritz! :)

  14. I hate days where you get home from work and you feel ike yelling, but you won't because you are going to see your lovely girlfriend. Oh, wait... what girlfriend????? :(

  15. Speaking of being a dealer just giving us a taste... HBO seriously needs to make Medellin. The trailer for a fake movie on a fake show is off the hook.

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