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Posts posted by canonfaz

  1. I am breathing easy, "my friend."

    And I will continue to breath easy, regardless of the outcome of tonight's game. And I will be just as hopeful that the Orioles will win their next game against the Rays on Friday, also. That's the point of my OP.

    I have more faith that we win on Friday, but I'll definitely be rooting for a win tonight too! I'll just be more surprised if we win tonight. The season is a roller coaster, it's one of the things that is great about baseball!

  2. New Weezer album drops April 1st (The White Album, how original.). Their last few albums have been extremely hit or miss IMO, but I'm really liking what I've been hearing from the new album. Almost a beach boys flare to some of the vocals.


  3. A quick snapshot of three key stats:

    APR: 5.60 runs/game (1st), .827 OPS (1st), 4.78 ERA (13th)

    MAY: 3.28 runs/game (14th), .645 OPS (15th), 3.38 ERA (2nd)

    JUN: 5.29 runs/game (2nd), .785 OPS (2nd), 3.64 ERA (6th)

    That's pretty crazy. Who knows what July will bring?

    Great stuff Frobby! Those are some very bi-polar stats. Let's hope we continue to play like its June.

  4. Steve Johnson, too....

    The problem with Steve is that it wouldn't help any with the flexibility in the bullpen. I think they want someone else out there that they can option if the bullpen gets a little taxed.

  5. The hangout is by far my favorite website and I visit it probably a hundred times a day, but those stupid video adds on the right hand side SUCK!!!!!!! They always slow down my page loads while I'm at work and they scare the crap out of me when I'm at the house and the audio is on.

  6. My band, Rock Bass, released our second album today. "The Adventures of Space Dog". I'll be listening to it :)

    <iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1626831883/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="http://rockbass.bandcamp.com/album/the-adventures-of-space-dog">The Adventures of Space Dog by Rock Bass</a></iframe>

  7. Seems more serious than I thought it would be. Very surprised that the Braves gave him 4/44. I guess they think that the injury has been nagging him for years and that they will be an improved player.

  8. Never watched any Breaking Bad. But that's a great song! Beatles/Apple prodigies.

    I guess Michael J or Sony is making $$$ now if BB is using the song...


    I didn't realize that! I knew he bought the Beatles catalog, didn't know he bought the whole Apple catalog!

  9. Since Weezer put out their studio teaser for their upcoming album (produced by Ric Ocasek), I've been listening to them.

    The teaser:


    Their last album (it's not great, but not my least favorite =w= album by far)


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