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Everything posted by terpoh

  1. 5-4 vs Colorado, Chicago and Tampa does not seem ideal
  2. To be honest, hes only had a handful of truly "dominant" starts. Even his 6 inning, 2 run outings he seemed to be in trouble with guys on base and lots of pitches. Zero starts with 0 earned runs is crazy. Maybe this has cut his salary cost down and we can bring him back at a discounted rate now.
  3. This offense is an embarrassment
  4. This is true but when the alternative is Nick Maton, we are probably better off letting the kid take his lumps.
  5. We score on homeruns and opposing team errors. Dont expect more.
  6. Doesnt answer the question, would Norby be playing? Certainly wouldnt be handed the job good or bad like in Miami. He's not exactly known for his defense either, he is known for being an average to below average defender.
  7. Do you think we would be playing Norby right now? Any 0/3 game from Norby and he would be benched for 3-4 games. We have a guy who is rated considerably higher than him right now sitting for Emmanual Rivera and Nick Maton.
  8. Guys we are 4th in the league in runs per game.
  9. Soto is not a "bum" and how about we let the trades play out a bit. What if Norby/Stowers/Johnson/Chace turn out to be nothing and Soto helps us down the stretch and in the playoffs, and Rogers bounces back to be a solid #4 next year?
  10. And that may very well become the case. But I'm just hoping that Soto becomes a good option for us. I dont wish any ill will on guys we trade away- if they become MLB studs, itll hurt, but so be it thats how trades work sometimes. A win/win trade is nothing to be upset about, so lets hope Soto can be a win.
  11. Calling Moises Chace and Seth Johnson "potential ML Starters" means that you can pretty much call any minor league prospect the same. Nothing against them at all, they are both very talented, but They both have equally as much chance (and probably more) of NOT being long term ML starters. Neither was top 100, neither was one of our top 10, and neither is in the Phillies top 10 now. Does it suck to lose guys? Sure. But come on man, we have to trade people to get people. Elias gets called a "hoarder" for not trading guys, then gets lambasted for trading guys that are not any of our top guys. Nobody expects Gregory Soto to be prime Aroldis Chatman, but if he can be a reliable arm in the pen down the stretch and in the playoffs and in 2025 then how is that not a good trade? You dont need to "win" every trade for it to be a good trade. If Soto is good for us but Seth Johnson is good for philly, its a bad trade? Lets not forget we acquired Seth Johnson for far less.
  12. Yes, this year. Was just curious as to how "Rare" going ten consecutive scoreless is for our 2024 team. Soto has settled in very nicely and was a big need for our team. If there were trades to be upset about, as of now, his was not one
  13. I did a quick look at this- looks like Webb had 10 scoreless outings in a row once, Cano did once and Kimbrel did twice.
  14. I havent looked it up, but how many guys in our bullpen have had 10 consecutive scoreless outings. He was a solid pickup for a pen that desperately needed help. I am not letting 2 blowup outings a month ago overshadow how he has looked otherwise.
  15. Bad games happen, but really thought we'd sweep this one tonight. Hopefully the Yankees lose.
  16. Yup. Yankees lost to this same team 12-2 not long ago.
  17. At least Mayo should make it past 6 innings and 3 at bats tonight.
  18. I was ready to acknowledge Sports Guy for being right in expecting the sweep. I started to believe after yesterday. But alas
  19. Yesterday was how they’ve handled Mayo this entire season. It’s partially why I continue to say he’s never really had a shot. He gets subbed out in the 6th. Not pinch hitting him today was weird, but just seems like they don’t think he’s ready
  20. Spot on. We’ve had plenty of reason to complain reverently, but this certainly ain’t one of them. They did what we’ve been begging them to do for weeks.
  21. If they won’t play Mayo at DH in a 11-3 game then I don’t think he’s ever gonna play.
  22. I believe Hyde said he was banged up from yesterday, and that’s why he’s at DH today. But in the past, when he’s running like he’s got a piano on his back is when he has a power surge.
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